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 Selecting Fit Data

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
clydon Posted - 07/09/2024 : 12:56:35 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:

I am trying to fit a complex function in origin and it will not let me select the fit data past the first few columns. I have fitted this function before and have not had this issue before. I tried to repair/reinstall origin with no luck. I have also updated to the most recent version of origin and the problem persisted.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChaoC Posted - 12/02/2024 : 5:40:13 PM

The Pipe character | issue has been fixed in Origin 2025.

Best regards,
clydon Posted - 07/09/2024 : 2:36:54 PM
Hello, thanks for those who took the time to try and help. I was notified that the devs were able to figure out that my column name |Zs''| caused an error that combined all the column names after it to be merged together during the data selection. It seems that | causes many issues when it comes to naming things.
clydon Posted - 07/09/2024 : 2:18:49 PM

Here is the file and the function I'm using. I haven't had the issue before on other files. The graph I am trying to fit to is named 120Ce''. For the function the x values are radial frequency, the y1 is real epsilon and y2 is imaginary epsilon. The function will not perfectly fir to real epsilon.
NicholasSupport Posted - 07/09/2024 : 2:05:37 PM

Could you attach your project file and the name of the graph and function you are trying to apply?

Then we can take a look to see what the issue is.



Nicholas G.
OriginLab Technical Support Team

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