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 5 dimensions diagram

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Adrian-Dan Posted - 08/01/2024 : 07:19:33 AM
Hello there,

I'm a complete newbee to origin and bevor I start digging into the software, I will ask if it is possible to create a 5-dimensions diagram?

The first 3 dimensions (1,2,3):
XYZ-Axis as normal, represents the points in the "room". A simple vector/points that creates a mesh.

4th dimension:
The Mesh that we see should be colored. But the color has to indicates other informations. For Example the temperature.

5th dimension:
If i could put numbers oder points/cubs in different sizes in the mesh, that could indicate for example the costs.

I attached a file with an example of a diagram that I prepared in paint. There we can see the mesh and additional information on the mesh with the points and the colors/size of the points.

This is just an example, it doesn't have to look exactliy like this, but i hope you get the idea, what the 5d diagram should look like.

Which possibilities are there in Origin/Origin Pro to create such a diagram?


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Adrian-Dan Posted - 08/20/2024 : 04:23:20 AM

this is exactly what I needed. Thank you so much.

Yes , i don't need a mesh. I did not know how to explain the "colored mapped surface" with one word.

And also tahnk you for the link to put multiple 3D graphs into one layout window.

ChaoC Posted - 08/19/2024 : 5:30:15 PM

1. There is a symbol size scaling formula you can apply or set the Scaling Factor to 0.01 without changing the formula:

2. It seems you don't really want a mesh, just a 3D color mapped surface. In that case, you don't need to use the 3D smoother.
You can just add the scatter points to the surface plot via Plot Setup.

3. You cannot merge 3D graphs due to the 3D rendering tech. But you can put multiple 3D graphs into one layout window

Adrian-Dan Posted - 08/19/2024 : 3:04:39 PM
Hey, yes no problem.

this is the file with the 3D-Smoothen diagram.

and this is the file with the merging problems.

ChaoC Posted - 08/19/2024 : 2:14:13 PM

Can you provide your project file so I can take a look?

Adrian-Dan Posted - 08/19/2024 : 1:55:45 PM
There are some problems, an now that I worked a little bit with origin, i think i found the best visual way to present the results.

1. The problem is that, every diagram with symbols represents a false size of the points. The size of the bubbles has randomly sizes. I can do a work-around, but i still wonder why.

My workaround is: (costs/1000)^3. This numbers can be shown visualy very well.

2. The second problem is, that the graph I made with SmoothenApp, there I can not change the colormap of the graph. If i do so, the colormap is showing only 1 color. Grey.

I changed the scale to the right values, but it seems that the new colormap isn't aplying properly.
No matter what I choose, ony the color of the scale is changing. but not the graph.

My ideal graph is a merge of this two graphs:

Now the probelm is, that I can not merge this two graphs. (3D-Surface and 3D Scatter):

OpenGl based graphs can not be merged ?

I tried as suggested ""Graph: Add Graphs to Layout" , but I don't find this entry.

I also tried to use Layer contents and to add a new layer to the graph. But nothing happens.

What am I dooing wrong, what do I miss there ? there must be a way to show all the information in one diagram with origin.

Thank you
ChaoC Posted - 08/19/2024 : 12:21:09 PM

Q1: You are trying to map discrete points to a continuous space so you need some algorithms to generate the mesh. So yes, you need the 3D smoother to generate a mesh.
I don't know what you mean by:
I realy want to see exactley the how the mesh looks like.

I.e. what is the issue with the mesh that you generated?

Q2: Not all 3D graphs have symbols. You can see from my example I'm using 3D Scatter.

Adrian-Dan Posted - 08/19/2024 : 11:05:48 AM
Hey, thank you for the quick answer.

I still have some questions.
I first started to train with a 2D diagram to get into origin. Great Software - great Forum.

First question:
Do I really need the 3d Smoother ? I realy want to see exactley the how the mesh looks like. I dont want to flatten the values. Or do I understand the purpose of the 3D Smoother App wrong ?

Second Question:
I don't know why, I can't eneable the symbols, because i don't have a tab in the "plot details" window. The symbols works not with every 3D Diagramm, am I right ?

ChaoC Posted - 08/01/2024 : 08:53:44 AM

You can use the 3D Smoother app to get a mesh surface with your XYZ data columns:

You can turn the mesh fill off:

Use your 4th column to index color and 5th column to index size of the symbol.

Please see the documentation for color and size here:

For a 3D graph, you don't need to select Custom Construction. You can select the size column directly from the Size dropdown menu.


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