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 Origin project file is very large with no reason

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VolodyaDem Posted - 08/08/2024 : 5:08:57 PM

My OriginLab project size is about 1 GB big and it takes about 30 min to just close it with saving, however, if I right-click the main folder in a project explorer and go to "properties", I can see that it is only 100 MB. There are no extra folders in this tree, so there are some hidden data that takes the rest 900 MB. How do I clean up the project file to fix this issue?

I tried executing "del -as" via LabTalk, but it gets stuck and nothing happens.

Thank you!

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginLab 2014
Operating System: Win 10
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 08/13/2024 : 3:20:18 PM
You are very welcome:-)

VolodyaDem Posted - 08/13/2024 : 2:56:10 PM
Originally posted by snowli


Thanks for sharing the opj.

Both sheets have many blank cells. Especially the 2nd sheet has about 16369 rows with many blank cells. Maybe it was filled with data but later cleared?

In Script window, run
doc.rangescount(32)= //press Enter
You will get a large number 4112896

In old versions, theautofill range might be wrongly increased.
To solve the issue in old Origin, run script
del -r 32 //remove all autofill range

Then resave the project, it will only be 552kb

No such issue in newer Origin. Also we support unicode in later version so project is saved as OPJU which is more compact.

Thank you for reporting this. I updated this FAQ to cover the case:

Thanks, Snow

Thank you so much, that was very insightful, I did not think about empty cells. I am glad I contributed to the issue solution page.

Best Regards, Vladimir
snowli Posted - 08/12/2024 : 09:42:56 AM

Thanks for sharing the opj.

Both sheets have many blank cells. Especially the 2nd sheet has about 16369 rows with many blank cells. Maybe it was filled with data but later cleared?

In Script window, run
doc.rangescount(32)= //press Enter
You will get a large number 4112896

In old versions, the autofill range might be wrongly increased.
To solve the issue in old Origin, run script
del -r 32 //remove all autofill range

Then resave the project, it will only be 552kb

No such issue in newer Origin. Also we support unicode in later version so project is saved as OPJU which is more compact.

Thank you for reporting this. I updated this FAQ to cover the case:

Thanks, Snow
VolodyaDem Posted - 08/10/2024 : 6:05:20 PM
Originally posted by snowli


Could you share your opj file to us to debug?

I sent a dropbox link to you to upload the problematic opj file so we can debug.

Thanks, Snow

Absolutely! Right now I am uploading the file to the link you sent me.
snowli Posted - 08/10/2024 : 3:05:00 PM

Could you share your opj file to us to debug?

I sent a dropbox link to you to upload the problematic opj file so we can debug.

Thanks, Snow
VolodyaDem Posted - 08/09/2024 : 10:59:51 AM

Originally posted by snowli

The bottom panel of Project Explorer that docks on left side of workspace could be set to Show Folders.
And in Detailed view of bottom panel, there is Size column to show the size of subfolder or child window.

You can check which subfolder or child window is big.

Also if you check list command,

There is other list options e.g. "list so " which lists all orphaned datasets, etc.

Thanks, Snow

Thank you for your reply! Unfortunately I did not find better way to fix the issue than just finding problematic table, deleting it and copying its data into a new table.

Interestingly, the Project explorer thinks that the table is only 1 MB, but the windows shows it is 1 GB (screenshot below). Maybe it was just a single-time bug. Thank you a lot for trying to help!

snowli Posted - 08/09/2024 : 08:48:13 AM
The bottom panel of Project Explorer that docks on left side of workspace could be set to Show Folders.
And in Detailed view of bottom panel, there is Size column to show the size of subfolder or child window.

You can check which subfolder or child window is big.

Also if you check list command,

There is other list options e.g. "list so " which lists all orphaned datasets, etc.

Thanks, Snow
VolodyaDem Posted - 08/08/2024 : 5:35:09 PM
Originally posted by snowli

Could you check if the following helps?

Also please check View: Results log to see if it's very long. In the past, many operation, etc. results are dumped and saved there together with opju which can make the opju grow dramatically. U can right click to clear it to see if it helps.

Thanks, Snow

Thank you for reply!

"list op" shows nothing and "delete -op" does nothing.
View: Results log is empty
after I execute "del -as", "list s" still shows up lots of rows with

I am trying now to pinpoint the exact subfolder that eats up space but I will appreciate any advice.

Thank you!
snowli Posted - 08/08/2024 : 5:21:09 PM
Could you check if the following helps?

Also please check View: Results log to see if it's very long. In the past, many operation, etc. results are dumped and saved there together with opju which can make the opju grow dramatically. U can right click to clear it to see if it helps.

Thanks, Snow

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