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 Formula for average of few cells in column

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Robbe Degroote Posted - 11/29/2024 : 1:59:36 PM

I'm looking for a formula to obtain the average of every 4 cells.
Currently I'm doing it manualy by typing mean(B1:B4) in cell C1, then in cell C5 I type mean(C5:C8), and so on.

I am hoping there is a formula to enter in the F(x) that calculates the average of a cell and the 3 consecutive cells.

Can someone help me?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 11/29/2024 : 10:49:12 PM
In F(X) of C, you can enter ave(B, 4) to get the average of every 4 cells.
But it will be put to C1, C2, C3, instead of C1, C5, C9, ....

If you really want results on C1, C5, C9,... only, you can enter the following F(x) of C.

if(mod(i-1,4)==0, Movavg(B,0,3), --)

Thanks, Snow

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