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 Fitting problem

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julia04 Posted - 12/04/2024 : 1:36:02 PM
I am expiriencing the following issue: Since yesterday, every time I want to fit my data, it does not fit it properly, as you can see in the picture, and I don't know why. It was working fine with the same data yesterday. I already tried reinstalling Origin but the problem is still the same. Does anybody know how to sove this issue?

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
julia04 Posted - 12/08/2024 : 11:24:49 AM
Hello Nicholas,

thank you so much! There was indeed an older version of the function in my backup-ordner and with this it is finally working!

NicholasSupport Posted - 12/06/2024 : 8:30:03 PM
Hello Julia,

Yes, thank you for sending the files! We have taken a look at the function and there appears to be some issue with the function is it is currently defined. We notice that when t=0, the output is always 393.044, regardless of the parameter values.

Is it possible this function was working with a slightly different version of the data or equation? It is possible you could find a previous version in either the Unsaved, Autosave, or Backup folders in the \Documents\OriginLab folder.


Nicholas G.
OriginLab Technical Support Team
julia04 Posted - 12/06/2024 : 4:45:24 PM
Hi Nicholas,

can you see the zip-file now?

NicholasSupport Posted - 12/05/2024 : 2:19:13 PM
Hi Julia,

I don't think the package properly attached. You may have to compress it to a .zip file before attaching (I forgot to mention - sorry!)

For exponential and related functions, proper parameter initialization can have a big impact on the quality of the fit. Perhaps in the meantime you could take a look at this page and see if it helps?:


Nicholas G.
OriginLab Technical Support Team
julia04 Posted - 12/05/2024 : 11:34:08 AM
Hi Nicholas,

here is the package you requested.

NicholasSupport Posted - 12/04/2024 : 5:09:44 PM
Hi Julia,

Okay, let's take a closer look. Can you please open your project file and then use the OPJ Packer app ( ) to create a package containing your user-defined fitting function? This will allow us to inspect the fitting function to see why it is exhibiting this behavior.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Nicholas G.
OriginLab Technical Support Team
julia04 Posted - 12/04/2024 : 4:16:46 PM
Unfortunately, this did not resolve my problem, the fit is still looking the same.
Originally posted by NicholasSupport


Can you try resetting your User Files Folder and see if that solves the issue?

You can find instructions for how to do this here:

NOTE: Please back up your original User Files Folder before resetting so you do not lose any custom fitting functions!

Let me know if this solution works.


Nicholas G.
OriginLab Technical Support Team

NicholasSupport Posted - 12/04/2024 : 1:59:04 PM

Can you try resetting your User Files Folder and see if that solves the issue?

You can find instructions for how to do this here:

NOTE: Please back up your original User Files Folder before resetting so you do not lose any custom fitting functions!

Let me know if this solution works.


Nicholas G.
OriginLab Technical Support Team

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