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 Create stack graph in python originpro

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tao_Zhang Posted - 01/13/2025 : 4:11:55 PM
I'm trying to write a python script to plot in origin using originpro package. I use the following line to create a stack graph.

graph = op.new_graph(template='stack')

When I create the graph using the above line, it has only one layer. I use the graph.add_layer() function to add more layers, but it messy.

How can I specify the number of layers in the stack graph so that it can organize the layout correctly when creating the graph?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tao_Zhang Posted - 01/14/2025 : 12:15:52 PM
Thank you so much, Nicholas! It's perfect for me.

Originally posted by NicholasSupport

Hello Tao_Zhang,

I think it will be less messy to use the 'plotstack' X-Function via lt_exec.

This will let you specify the X and Y pairs and allow you to use all the options that come with the X-Function itself.

import os
import originpro as op

wks = op.new_sheet()
wks.from_file(os.path.join(op.path('e'), 'Samples', 'Graphing', 'Group.dat'))
wks.lt_exec('plotstack iy:=((1,2), (1,3), (1,4))')

For more information on the 'plotstack' X-Function, visit this page:

Let me know if this is an appropriate solution for your scenario, and if any other questions arise.


Nicholas G.
OriginLab Technical Support Team

NicholasSupport Posted - 01/13/2025 : 9:04:02 PM
Hello Tao_Zhang,

I think it will be less messy to use the 'plotstack' X-Function via lt_exec.

This will let you specify the X and Y pairs and allow you to use all the options that come with the X-Function itself.

import os
import originpro as op

wks = op.new_sheet()
wks.from_file(os.path.join(op.path('e'), 'Samples', 'Graphing', 'Group.dat'))
wks.lt_exec('plotstack iy:=((1,2), (1,3), (1,4))')

For more information on the 'plotstack' X-Function, visit this page:

Let me know if this is an appropriate solution for your scenario, and if any other questions arise.


Nicholas G.
OriginLab Technical Support Team

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