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 dashed lines missing from jpeg export

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mwarner Posted - 07/05/2006 : 5:23:03 PM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.5 SR5
Operating System:Win 2000

I have several graphs that have both solid and dashed lines (1pt. thickness)that all turn to solid lines upon exporting my layout file as a 600 dpi jpeg (minimal compression) file. I have not seen this problem before, but also noticed that if I raise the point size of the lines, to say 1.5 or higher, the dashed lines appear solid as well. However, they are showing up on the screen correctly at 1 pt thickness, but solid on the export. Any ideas how to repair this?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SvenP Posted - 05/24/2012 : 2:07:48 PM
I experienced the same problem with Origin 8.5.1.

I made a layout with 4 graphs each with several plotted data. One with dot line, one with dash line and one with dash dot and so on.
After exporting the layout to a png file all lines became solid.
You workaround is also working for me.

But what is frightening. You know about the problem/bug for six years and did not fixed it??? That is very sad.
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/06/2006 : 4:09:32 PM
Dear Mark,

First, sorry for that my previous suggestion didn't work. Actually, I missed your point that your graph is in the "layout" page rather than in a graph page. After all, we could reproduced the problem, and found it is a bug. However, in our test, the following simple work-around worked:
  1) Activate the graph window which contains your original plot.
  2) Select "View:Print View" menu.
  3) Activate your layout window, and click the "Reflesh" tool button.
  ==> The dashed line in the layout will be displayed correctly.

Please try.

--Hideo Fujii

mwarner Posted - 07/06/2006 : 10:00:18 AM
Thanks Hideo, but none of your suggestions fixed the problem. I will be sending this to you guys today to see what you can do with it...quite frustrating. Origin has a tendency to let me down like this every time I have a dead line looming
Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/05/2006 : 5:41:26 PM
Hi Mark,

Not sure whether it works or not, but try to change the following option (Graph tab from Tools: Options menu):

"Scale Dash Pattern by Line Size" OFF
also, it might affect by the "Use Origin Dashes in Page View".
If still not work, you may want to try to change the pattern definition of "Dash" by increasing the length of the gap.

I hope this helps your problem.

--Hideo Fujii

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