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 Significant Digits

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nulmiso Posted - 09/15/2006 : 04:27:49 AM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.0
Operating System: Windows XP SP2

Today, my colleague complained that Origin's nonlinear curve fit is wrong.

He tried to fit his data with a cubic polynomial.
And a curve shown on the data graph was looked good.

Y = A + B*X + C*X^2 + D*X^3
A = 3143.08574
B = -13.14327
C = 0.02746
D = 0.00002

But the results was wrong when he calculated a point with the above parameters.

A few miniutes later, he found that
it was a 'signficant digits' problem.

The most siginficant parameter 'D' was -2.074904744E-5,
but it was displayed as 0.00002 with default free format.

Would you mind if I ask to modify Origin to increase the significant digits automatically for this case.

Thank you in advance...

Edited by - nulmiso on 09/15/2006 04:28:55 AM
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sebbey Posted - 06/11/2012 : 03:24:29 AM
Origin Version: 8.6.0G
Windows 7 Professional

Hi everyone,

i would like to ask, if its meanwhile possible to change the number of significant digits with a labtalk script.

Thanks for your help,
nulmiso Posted - 09/18/2006 : 04:35:40 AM
Thank you for your reply.

I know how to change significant digits...
but I want Origin changes them automatically
for the most signficant coefficient term.

I always thanks for Origin program...
erica-cn Posted - 09/15/2006 : 04:55:40 AM
You can specify the significant digits as you need. The steps as follows:
1.Click Options:control in the menu command.
2.In the dialog box, select the value of the significant digits in the Parameters Significant Digit group.
then fit your data. you can get the significant digits as you specified.

Any more information Please feel free to contact us.

Erica Shang
OriginLab GZ

Edited by - erica-cn on 09/15/2006 06:05:00 AM

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