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 3D graph (new user)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rsd111 Posted - 09/06/2007 : 10:17:09 AM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): 7pro
Operating System:windows XP

I have a set of data for which I want to plot a 3D graph. I am new to origin and so finding it a bit difficult.

My data is arranged as follows:
1) For a particular force (say force 1), I vary the frequency and measure the voltage output from the circuit.
2) For a second force (say force 2), I again vary the frequency (same range and data points as in 1) and measure the voltage output from the circuit. this way I have a set of voltages for different freq (same range,same data points) and for a set of forces.

I want to obtain a graph which gives force on y axis, freq on x axis and voltage on z axis. A part of data set is

Freq volt1 volt2 volt3 Force1 Force2 Force3
3 0.16913 0.07028 0.02281 0.43956 0.18305 0.05956
15 0.14638 0.06079 0.01947 0.44963 0.18697 0.06037
30 0.13 0.05418 0.01725 0.44183 0.18268 0.05843
60 0.10486 0.04363 0.01403 0.4288 0.17868 0.05692
90 0.08558 0.03664 0.01147 0.41569 0.1768 0.05573
120 0.07077 0.03023 0.00969 0.40087 0.17022 0.05316
150 0.05869 0.02505 0.0082 0.37471 0.15974 0.04973
180 0.0462 0.01971 0.00681 0.31881 0.13626 0.0429

Pls help.
Thanks in advance
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mike Buess Posted - 09/06/2007 : 1:46:21 PM
You must convert your data to an XYZ worksheet...

1) Create a new worksheet, add a third column and designate it as Z.
2) Copy the Freq, Force1 and volt1 columns to the new worksheet.
3) Append Freq, Force2 and volt2.
4) Append Freq, Force3 and volt3.
5) Repeat as many times as necessary.

The data you posted will look like the worksheet shown below. If you want to plot as 3D Scatter just select the Z column and then Plot> 3D XYZ> 3D Scatter. For any other 3D plot you must first convert to a matrix with Edit> Convert to Matrix> Random XYZ.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member

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