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 Using two GETNBOX?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
winflowers Posted - 09/19/2007 : 10:25:53 AM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin 7.5 SR6
Operating System: XP

I would like to construct a dialog with two string list boxes. But the list of the second list box is based on the selection of the first list box. For example,
GETN_LIST(Name, "1st", 0, "AA|BB|CC")
if(tr.Name.strVal == "AA") strList = "a1|a2|a3";
if(tr.Name.strVal == "BB") strList = "b1|b2|b3";
if(tr.Name.strVal == "CC") strList = "c1|c2|c3";
GETN_LIST(AName, "2nd", 0, strList)

After searching the forum, I realized that it is not possible to dynamically change the existing nodes.(Please correct me if I am wrong.) Then I decided to use 2 GETNBOXs. In the first GETNBOX, create the strList for the second list box according to the selection. But when I tried to compile it, I always got an error "Error, duplicate variable names in declaration: _tmpNode". I have no idea how to solve it. I also tried tr.Reset() and GETN_USE(tr), but neither worked.

I need help from you. Thanks a lot!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mike Buess Posted - 09/20/2007 : 10:14:42 AM
Should work if you create the 2nd GETNBOX in a different function...

if( GETNBOX(...) )
string strList;
if( tr.Name.nVal==0 ) strList = "a1|a2|a3";
if( tr.Name.nVal==1 ) strList = "b1|b2|b3";
if( tr.Name.nVal==2 ) strList = "c1|c2|c3";
if( !strList.IsEmpty() ) DoNextBox(strList);

void DoNextBox(string strList)
// Create 2nd GETNBOX

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member
winflowers Posted - 09/20/2007 : 09:50:35 AM

I am still interested in how to use two GETNBOX in one function in case I need it in the future. Could you please give me an example?
I don't think it's possible for one GETNBOX to call another.

I don't mean to call one GETNBOX in another, just one after another. The first is finished, then another one. There is no relationship between them. As I said in the first post: I always got an error "Error, duplicate variable names in declaration: _tmpNode". I think it should be possible, but don't know how to do it.
Mike Buess Posted - 09/20/2007 : 09:26:30 AM
I am still interested in how to use two GETNBOX in one function in case I need it in the future. Could you please give me an example?
I don't think it's possible for one GETNBOX to call another.

what the difference between GETN_BOX and GETN_TREE?
They just create slightly different styled dialogs. You can compare yourself.

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member
winflowers Posted - 09/20/2007 : 05:28:44 AM
Thank you, Mike!

You are right. The sting list nodes only have numeric values, but the COMBO nodes have string values. I was a little confused about their description in the help file.

Your codes work well, but just a little bit complicate beacause I have more items in the first list, and each item need two string list nodes. That means I have to create dozen of list nodes at the beginning. Are there any better ways?

I am still interested in how to use two GETNBOX in one function in case I need it in the future. Could you please give me an example? I could not find it in the help file.

By the way, what the difference between GETN_BOX and GETN_TREE? When should we use GETN_BOX and when GETN_TREE?

Thank you very much for your assistance!
Mike Buess Posted - 09/19/2007 : 12:15:50 PM
First of all, string list nodes have numeric rather than string values, so tr.Name.nVal and tr.Name.strVal are both 0,1 or 2. Therefore, none of your IF conditions are true. That said, instead of using two dialogs (if that's even possible) it would be much easier to create all three list nodes and hide those you don't want...
void run_nested_string_lists()
string strA = "a1|a2|a3";
string strB = "b1|b2|b3";
string strC = "c1|c2|c3";
GETN_LIST(Name, "1st", 0, "AA|BB|CC")
GETN_LIST(AName, "2nd", 0, strA)
GETN_LIST(BName, "2nd", 0, strB)
GETN_LIST(CName, "2nd", 0, strC)
if( GetNBox(tr, "Nested String Lists", NULL, NULL, DialogOnChangeEvent) )
string strOut;
if( tr.Name.nVal==0 ) strOut = strA.GetToken(tr.AName.nVal,'|');
if( tr.Name.nVal==1 ) strOut = strB.GetToken(tr.BName.nVal,'|');
if( tr.Name.nVal==2 ) strOut = strC.GetToken(tr.CName.nVal,'|');
bool DialogOnChangeEvent(TreeNode& tr, int nRow, int nType, Dialog& Dlg)
if( nType==TRGP_STR_LIST )
tr.AName.Show = tr.Name.nVal==0 ? true : false;
tr.BName.Show = tr.Name.nVal==1 ? true : false;
tr.CName.Show = tr.Name.nVal==2 ? true : false;
return true;
return false;

Mike Buess
Origin WebRing Member

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