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 Tilde above a character

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ALKU Posted - 07/15/2008 : 05:33:16 AM
Is there any possibility to make a text with a tilde (squiggle, twiddle) above a character?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
minimax Posted - 02/22/2010 : 03:24:05 AM
Hi Alku,

A new notation \at(v) is introduced since Origin8.1SR0 which will place tilde above letter v.

OriginLab Technical Support
ALKU Posted - 07/16/2008 : 03:55:07 AM
Hi, everybody!

Thanks a lot for your answers,

to Easwar: really, "nu with tilde" doesn't exist in a set of "standard" fonts, but it is widely used in spectroscopy since at least 50 years.

to Shirley_GZ: grouping is quite useful in this case, I didn't know about Object Edit toolbar.
Shirley_GZ Posted - 07/16/2008 : 12:11:59 AM
Hi Alku,

There is a workaround to do this project.

Type these two texts "v" and "~" dividually, put them together as you want. As you can see, these two texts are still independent. Select them through holding the left button of mouse and drawing a rectangle, then click the Group button on the Object Edit toolbar. Finally, you can move this grouped text to the right position.

More information about the Group button can be seen here:
Help: Graphing > Adding Text and Drawing Objects > Grouping, Aligning and Arranging Objects on the Page

Shirley Tian

Originlab Technical Service Team
easwar Posted - 07/15/2008 : 2:26:22 PM

We currently do not support this. We have \ab(v) and \ad(v) which would put a horizontal line/bar or a dot above the v, but don't have tilde right now.

We will consider supporting this in the next version, so thank you for the question!

Right now if such a character exists in some font, you could insert it, but when I look at "standard" fonts, I only see O, a with tilde and not v. Looks like v-with-tilde is used in science whereas O, a with tilde is part of general language support.


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