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 complex fit function in Origin 8?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
radoslavb Posted - 08/25/2008 : 5:24:42 PM
This question is for OriginPro 8.0 SP2

I have data in 3 columns:
col(omega) = (x-axis)
col(y_Re) = real part
col(y_Im) = imaginary part

I need to fit simultaneously the real and imaginary part to the complex Debye equation

where "A" and "tau" are fitting parameters (both are real).

The Debye equation can be separated in Re and Im parts analytically (and I have already done independent fits to the Re and Im parts), however I need the fit to satisfy both parts simultaneously with one set of parameters. In addition, there are generalizations of the Debye eqn. which cannot be separated analytically in Re and Im parts. Is there a way to define a complex fitting function?

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radoslavb Posted - 08/27/2008 : 5:11:31 PM
Thanks, Greg!
Your second comment is particularily useful, since it will work even if the complex function does not have a nice analytical separation of real and imaginary parts. I've tested both methods and they both work.
greg Posted - 08/26/2008 : 3:58:04 PM
You can also use complex numbers within OriginC:

Independent Var omega
Dependent var y1,y2
Parameter names A,tau
Using OriginC our function definition becomes:

complex cc = A/(1+1i*omega*tau);
y1 = cc.m_re;
y2 = cc.m_im;

greg Posted - 08/26/2008 : 3:16:56 PM
I tested the following which works in Origin8 (and should work in earlier versions as well). Note that the y2 formula is different than in Echo's post:

Indpendent Variable omega
Dependent Variables y1,y2
Parameter Names A,tau
y1= A/(1+(omega*tau)^2);
and check Use OriginC.

For Parameter initialization, you can use:
(unless you have a better idea of what you parameters are close to.)

When you use this function, you will need to assign omega, y1 and y2 to three datasets.
radoslavb Posted - 08/26/2008 : 11:40:14 AM
Originally posted by Echo_Chu

So it can be solved by defining a function with multiple independents. You can refer to this page to see how to fit with multiple independent variable.

Do you mean multiple Dependents (y1, y2)?
Echo_Chu Posted - 08/26/2008 : 05:15:27 AM

Your function is

y1 + i * y2 = A/(1+i*omega*tau),

Then it can be write as

y1 + i * y2 = A/(1+(omega*tau)^2) - i * (A*tao)/(1+(omega*tau)^2)

That is,

y1 = A/(1+(omega*tau)^2);
y2 = -(A*tao)/(1+(omega*tau)^2)

So it can be solved by defining a function with multiple independents. You can refer to this page to see how to fit with multiple independent variable.

OriginLab Corp

Originally posted by radoslavb

This question is for OriginPro 8.0 SP2

I have data in 3 columns:
col(omega) = (x-axis)
col(y_Re) = real part
col(y_Im) = imaginary part

I need to fit simultaneously the real and imaginary part to the complex Debye equation

where "A" and "tau" are fitting parameters (both are real).

The Debye equation can be separated in Re and Im parts analytically (and I have already done independent fits to the Re and Im parts), however I need the fit to satisfy both parts simultaneously with one set of parameters. In addition, there are generalizations of the Debye eqn. which cannot be separated analytically in Re and Im parts. Is there a way to define a complex fitting function?


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