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 phantom XYZ points after SR3 upgrade

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RyanM Posted - 09/12/2008 : 11:50:55 AM
I just upgraded OriginPro to SR3 from SR1. When I import xyz data into origin and add it as a layer to a 3D scatterplot, it seems to create a point well above the z-range of the data. It seems to always be centered at the center of the y-range, and the beginning of the x-range. Reproduced on several data sets, but the Z-value of this Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a way to roll back to SR1?
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snowli Posted - 09/12/2008 : 6:00:47 PM
Hi Ryan,

1. Does the problem exist in sr1? If not, sorry that it must be a bug in sr3. To roll back to sr1, you can choose Start: All Programs: OriginLab: Origin 8: Origin8 Add or Remove Files and choose Repair.

2. Could you provide details of how to reproduce the problem?
I did the following and plot is fine.
Import data.
Set the column which contains Z data to as Z.
Highlight the Z column and choose Plot: 3D XYZ: 3D Scatter.
The data plots fine.

I am not sure how you add it as a layer to a 3D scatterplot? Do you mean you have a 3D scatter graph already. Then you use plot setup dialog to add it? Is the Rescale checkbox checked in the bottom panel of PLot Setup dialog?
After adding the data in graph, if you click Rescale button, will the data show fine?
If possible, could you send the opj file to us

Thanks, Snow Li
OriginLab Corp.

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