T O P I C R E V I E W |
elyesmab |
Posted - 09/22/2008 : 1:08:59 PM Hi,
I need to fit à plot by this curve : y = A*|x-xc|^pl, if x<xc y = B*|x-xc|^pu, if x>xc
(Actually the problem is simplier, because I know that pl=1 and pu=1/2, and I think that xc is about A/2B)
On origin7, there is already a nonlinear curve wich is not to far : Power2 y = A*|x-xc|^pl, if x<xc y = A*|x-xc|^pu, if x>xc
Is somebody has an idea on the way I had to edit the program to obtain my fit y = A*|x-xc|^pl, if x<xc y = B*|x-xc|^pu, if x>xc
or at least
y = A*|x-xc|, if x<xc y = B*|x-xc|^0.5, if x>xc
Thanks by advance |
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
elyesmab |
Posted - 09/25/2008 : 12:07:19 PM Ok thank you Echo.
I will try, and if I have some problems with the editing language I will ask here.
BW |
Echo_Chu |
Posted - 09/23/2008 : 04:30:12 AM Hi,
To edit build-in functions, you need to change the function type first. That is, open POWER2.FDF, which is under <exe>\FitFunc\, in notepad
Change the line below
Function Type=Built-in ==> Function Type=User-Defined
And then open it in NLSF tool, in dialog, select Function: Edit. The function can be editted now.
Echo OriginLab Corp