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 Help with integration of a plot

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dopplersradar Posted - 09/22/2008 : 7:49:07 PM
I am trying to integrate a plot, but I want to only integrate ABOVE a certain Y value. So imagine Y=X^2 but I only want to integrate X^2 from Y=9 - Y=225. Is this possible? I have been able to REgraph my data of interest by basically copying the appropriate data and posting in a new workbook, then I use simple math to subtract a Y value, unfortunately changing all the data in the process.

I was hoping there was an easier way,

Any help appreciated
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
easwar Posted - 09/25/2008 : 10:08:24 AM

What version of Origin are you using?

If 7.x, you could do the following:
1. Graph your data and use Data Markers to select the subsection of interest. So basically you place markers at the x1 and x2 that correspond to your y1 and y2
2. Bring up Tools->Baseline tool and specify Y=9 as the baseline and click Create Baseline
3. Go directly to Area tab and press Use Baseline button
You will see area result in Results Log

If 8.0 SR2 (need SR2 for the following instructions)
1. Graph data place data markers, same as above
2. Bring up Peak Analyzer tool and select the "Integrate Peaks" goal
3. Wizard will by default pick up ymin as constant baseline
4. On the Peaks page, uncheck auto find and click somewhere in the middle of your range to define peak location - there is no peak in your data, but have to specify this to proceed, just ignore peak related values in result
5. Stretch the rectangle to cover the entire data of interest and click Finish to get report


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