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 Is it a bug?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
redman Posted - 10/21/2008 : 07:38:11 AM
Origin 8.0 SR4, OS: Windows XP and Vista

Usually, I use Ctrl+J to copy a plot graph and past it into word 2003. However, from time to time I found I could not edit the graph in Word by double click any more. Recently, it seems to hapan more frequently. It displays like:

This object was created in Origin50. This application is not available to open this object. Make sure the application is properly installed and that is has not been deleted, moved, or renamed.

Does anybody know why?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 10/24/2008 : 10:58:46 AM

So this problem doesn't show all the time. In this case, it will help if you could send your opj file or template file that shows the problem. If it exists with built-in plot template, could you let us know which template?

Thanks, Snow Li

Originally posted by redman

Well, I use Origin 8.0 (Now SR4).

I usually use scripts to import ASCII data files into different workbooks, and then automatically plot each worksheet (only one worksheet in each workbook) into 2D line graph from a pre-defined template, which was simply modified from the default line template by changing the XY titles and font sizes. Sometimes, I manually plot worksheets into graphs by select each worksheet and click the 2D line graph button on the tool bar.

For a graph I’m interested, first, I use the shortcut key “Ctrl+J”, i.e. the page copy command, to copy the graph into window XP or Vista’s clipboard; then I just paste it into Word 2003.

When I double click such a graph pasted in word 2003, it normally opens Origin 8.0, but sometimes the above mentioned error occurs. I’m afraid this problem also exists in Origin 7.5 (Sorry, I cannot remember it well).

snowli Posted - 10/24/2008 : 10:53:15 AM

This is trackered in #11104. It's because our copy page doesn't save worksheet info while @w contains worksheet info.

We will try to fix it in the coming sr5.

Thanks, Snow Li

Originally posted by redman

By the way, I'm afraid there is another bug related to copy and paste.

When a graph is copied into Winword, each system variable such as %(1, @W) in the legend will always become ###, while in the original project it displays correctly.

This problem is more serious than the first one. At present, to solve this problem, I should manually repalce each system variable in the legend with its corresponding text, and then copy the graph into Winword.

redman Posted - 10/23/2008 : 6:32:55 PM
By the way, I'm afraid there is another bug related to copy and paste.

When a graph is copied into Winword, each system variable such as %(1, @W) in the legend will always become ###, while in the original project it displays correctly.

This problem is more serious than the first one. At present, to solve this problem, I should manually repalce each system variable in the legend with its corresponding text, and then copy the graph into Winword.
redman Posted - 10/23/2008 : 6:08:26 PM
Well, I use Origin 8.0 (Now SR4).

I usually use scripts to import ASCII data files into different workbooks, and then automatically plot each worksheet (only one worksheet in each workbook) into 2D line graph from a pre-defined template, which was simply modified from the default line template by changing the XY titles and font sizes. Sometimes, I manually plot worksheets into graphs by select each worksheet and click the 2D line graph button on the tool bar.

For a graph I’m interested, first, I use the shortcut key “Ctrl+J”, i.e. the page copy command, to copy the graph into window XP or Vista’s clipboard; then I just paste it into Word 2003.

When I double click such a graph pasted in word 2003, it normally opens Origin 8.0, but sometimes the above mentioned error occurs. I’m afraid this problem also exists in Origin 7.5 (Sorry, I cannot remember it well).
snowli Posted - 10/22/2008 : 2:05:59 PM

Could you give us details of how you make the graph?

1. Which version is the graph made in? 8.0 or previous versions?
2. Is it an embedded Graph or a normal graph?
When you insert a graph window in Origin worksheet, it's an embedded graph by default. If you double click such graph cell to open a Graph window and copy page there and paste into Word. We don't support editing such file. Format picture dialog in Word is supposed to open.

Thanks, Snow Li
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