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 peak analyzer

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sterw Posted - 11/25/2008 : 06:24:12 AM
The Peak Analyzer works fine if I use the autosubtract baseline mode but when I try 'Fit baseline with peaks' the fit does not work.
Can somebody help me with this?

Thanks, Wim
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sterw Posted - 12/17/2008 : 08:58:48 AM
Outside this forum I communicated with tech support and the problem was solved. For the record: it probably had to do with an upgrade from SR3 to SR4. Reinstalling Origin and upgrading from SR2 directly to SR4 solved the problem.

I have some suggestions for the Peak Analyzer that makes it more comparable with the NLFitter:
- In the standardly called FitPeaks1 results sheet I miss in the Notes section information about the used equation. I used the Gaussian and the corresponding equation can be found by searching for Gaussian and reading the Gaussian.fdf file, but I would rather have it in the results sheet (as is the case in the NLFit report).
- Insert a Weight Type column in the Input Data section. I used Statistical weighting but I cannot find that back in the resulus sheet.
- Allow an option to not use the reduced chi-square to scale the parameter errors.

easwar Posted - 12/01/2008 : 2:24:04 PM
Hi Wim,

I tried again in SR4 with Constant baseline and selected Min as well as tried a specific constant value, and in both cases, on the next page (baseline treatment) I checked the 'Fit baseline with peaks' check box, and then on final fit page, I brought up Fit Control dialog and on performing iterations the constant value changed - it was included in the fit process.

So not sure why this is not working for you. Perhaps you can send the exact steps you used, and/or some screen shots to tech?

sterw Posted - 12/01/2008 : 09:21:01 AM
Sorry for replying late. Yes, I have Origin8 SR4. I used the chromatogram data that were supplied in the PFM_Examples.opj for Origin7.5, but I don't think it is dependent on the data. When I use the peak analyzer with user defined baseline it works fine. When I set the baseline mode to constant it does not work (of course there is a way around by choosing a line as user defined baseline and fix the slope to zero).
easwar Posted - 11/25/2008 : 09:59:29 AM
Hi Wim,

Are you using SR4? I just tried with the file "\samples\spectroscopy\Peaks on Exponential Baseline.dat" and I could define an exponential baseline and then make that fit along with the peaks in the final fit page....

Can you send your data/opj to tech support and what procedure/function you used?


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