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 import TDMS file

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khlim72 Posted - 11/25/2008 : 8:23:15 PM
Origin 8.0
I want to import NI tdms file format.
There is import option for NI TDMS but the supproted import funtion is not good enough.
I want to import properties and channel groups with time column(may be generated in origin). But with supported function, I can't import properties and can't import over 3 number items.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pavanb Posted - 09/08/2014 : 12:39:03 PM
I am evaluating 2013 s/w, diadem and origin pro and am looking for crude benchmarks and comparison on the two tools. Could you please help? Thanks.

Best, Pavan

Originally posted by minimax

Hi Craig,

What is the version of your Origin and Labview?

Before 8.5.1, Origin did fail to import certain TDMS file created by LabView 2009 SP1, which has been fixed in later versions.

If you have newest Origin version but still have import problems, would you mind to send us the files for us to verify?

You can follow the instruction on the top-right link "Send File to Tech support" to send files.

OriginLab Technical Support

minimax Posted - 04/15/2012 : 10:54:53 PM
Hi Craig,

What is the version of your Origin and Labview?

Before 8.5.1, Origin did fail to import certain TDMS file created by LabView 2009 SP1, which has been fixed in later versions.

If you have newest Origin version but still have import problems, would you mind to send us the files for us to verify?

You can follow the instruction on the top-right link "Send File to Tech support" to send files.

OriginLab Technical Support
CStorey Posted - 04/13/2012 : 11:36:36 AM
Hi Deanna,

Just wondering if there's been any progress with the TDMS import feature, and if not may I suggest adding it to the list of things to do?

If it helps Excel and OpenOffice both have import filters supported by NI, but those are not very useful for real analysis. (As you know!)

I've tried a few TDMS files I'm generating, and they all failed to import with the message "Invalid import data file!". It is a valid TDMS file generated by LabView using NI-DAQ and opens with Excel and diaDEM. For now I have to import in Excel or Oo then copy&past to Origin. A bit of a pain given the limited number of rows.

I could write a script, or spend time fiddling with import filters but I would prefer it were supported.

Thanks for considering it!

Deanna Posted - 01/19/2010 : 01:16:23 AM
Hi Alberto,

Thank you for sending the file. We used NI diaDEM to import the file and found that other channels (except the first one) are in fact empty. NI diaDem writes zeros to those channel while Origin does not import those channels at all.

The error handling in Origin's TDMS import is indeed not very good. We will improve it so that Origin will output information when it finds empty channels.

Thank you again for sending us the file and posting here!

OriginLab Technical Services
easwar Posted - 01/18/2010 : 10:22:08 AM
Hi Alberto,

Can you please send the file to tech support? Please view this page for instructions on sending file:

Please refer to this post in your e-mail to tech.


anaracarva Posted - 01/15/2010 : 7:57:06 PM
Hallo everyone:
I have the same problem with OriginPro 8.1. The time stamp of NI_TDMS files is not imported and I always get a decimated file and only one channel imported.
As ASCII File a TDMS file has all channel-data in sequence one channel after the other.
Do anybody know how to import the complete file with time stamp and all channels (each channel in a WKS)?
emily_yu Posted - 11/26/2008 : 01:36:42 AM

I try to import some tdms files, but I cannot find the problem which you said. Please send your data through this webpage:

We want to do some tests and provide you a solution as soon as possible.

Thank you!

OriginLab Technical Services

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