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 Color filling in surface plots

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vvostri Posted - 12/15/2008 : 02:17:44 AM

I have a question on overlaying multiple surface color plots. I have three matrices (same XY range), and I want all of them to be on one plot. Furthermore, if the value in the matrix is below a certain value (different for each matrix), I want that range filled with color.

The problem arises when I try to use color filling: it is applied to a part of the plot. It is possible to correct this by using "fill to grid lines", rather than "fill to contour maps", but it does not look as good.

Any help on this would be appreciated!
(I am trying to post the graphs, but cannot seem to get past through the security warning)

Origin Ver. and SR (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.5 SR 4
Operating System: Win XP SP2
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
vvostri Posted - 01/05/2009 : 01:58:05 AM
Thank you very much! I really appreciate it.
Deanna Posted - 01/05/2009 : 01:56:19 AM
Hi, this problem has been added to our tracker system. The item number is 5156. We will try to solve it in our next version.

Thank you again for reporting the bug!

OriginLab Technical Services
vvostri Posted - 12/17/2008 : 01:29:19 AM
Thank you very much!
Deanna Posted - 12/17/2008 : 12:55:37 AM
Now I see... This (the second picture) seems to be a bug. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

OriginLab Technical Services
vvostri Posted - 12/16/2008 : 12:02:27 AM
Hi Deanna, thank you for replying!

I have checked for the updates as you suggested (nothing new was available though: I beleive SR4 is the latest update). I have finally figured out how to post pictures here, so here we go.

Three matrices are overlaid on a single plot, contour levels below which I want to use color fill are shown.

Now I go to the properties of the layer, select the matrix shown in black in the figure above, turn on "color fill control" and select everything below the required level to be filled with gray. This is what I get:

The top part of the plot also became color filled, although the values there are above the level!

Then I switch from "fill to contour lines" to "fill to grid lines" - I get the result I want:

Ideally, I want the plot that would look like this, but filled to contour levels, rather than grid:

I hope the problem makes more sense now. :-)
Deanna Posted - 12/15/2008 : 10:10:40 PM

First I suggest you select Help: Check for Updates from your Origin menu (or follow instructions in this web page) to update your Origin 7.5 to the latest patch. This will avoid many bugs that may make your work inconvenient.

For including multiple surface plots in a graph, you can use the Layer Contents dialog, which can be opened when you right-click on the graph layer icon and select Layer Contents from the short-cut menu.

You mentioned that you want to fill part of the range according to values. I think this can be done by customizing the color map levels and fill color. Double-click on the graph to open the Plot Details dialog, select the data plot to the left then to the right, in the Color Map tab, edit the level and fill colors. If desired, click on the Level or Fill header to edit the levels/fill colors in the Set Levels/Fill dialog box.

I don't think this has much to do with "fill to grid lines". Maybe I have miss something?

If you still want to show us the graph, please submit to us via this web form:

OriginLab Technical Services

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