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 struggling to calculate cumal

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
carsten Posted - 12/15/2008 : 1:40:13 PM
Origin Ver. and SR (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:

I try the to calculate the accumulative hours with the following code:

// open script window to show prompts
ty -a;

GetString (Enter Source Worksheet name) (RawData);
type "Source Worksheet: "%P;
// %Q="NormData"; // Target Wks
get %P_Lamp -e TotalMeas; // Total Measurements
GetNumber -s (Number of Lamps of same configuration) NoLamps;
// get Common_Lamp -e NoLamps; // Number of Lamps
// no of measurement of each lamp: NoMeas
NoMeas=TotalMeas/NoLamps; // must be an integer
if (mod(TotalMeas ,NoLamps) > 0) type -b "mod(TotalMeas ,NoLamps) > 0";
// calculate cumulative hours for each lamp
For (i=1; i<=TotalMeas;i+=NoMeas)
%P_Std[i]=0.1; // initial time
For (ii=1; ii<=NoMeas-1;ii++)
S1=(%P_Date[ii+1]-%P_Date[ii])*24.0 + (%P_TIME[ii+1]-%P_TIME[ii])*24.0;
// check parameter
type "Std[ $(ii)] = $(%P_Std[ii+1]) == $(%P_Std[ii]) + $(S1)";

the wks with input and output date looks as follows:

Date Time Std Lamp (<= column heads)
23.07.2007 09:30 0,10 1
24.07.2007 13:30 32,10 1
25.07.2007 12:00 53,10 1
26.07.2007 11:00 75,10 1
27.07.2007 09:15 95,60 1
30.07.2007 15:00 179,10 1
02.08.2007 07:45 236,60 1
06.08.2007 10:40 338,43 1
14.08.2007 09:40 528,43 1
20.08.2007 10:30 674,10 1
27.08.2007 10:20 841,77 1
12.09.2007 11:00 1227,10 1
18.09.2007 08:22 1365,83 1
26.09.2007 08:22 1557,83 1
04.10.2007 12:45 1758,60 1
25.10.2007 09:00 2255,10 1
09.11.2007 09:00 2615,10 1
16.11.2007 16:11 2797,47 1
30.11.2007 09:40 3120,43 1
14.12.2007 09:10 3455,43 1
21.12.2007 11:40 3628,43 1
03.01.2008 10:10 3937,43 1
18.01.2008 10:47 4298,05 1
01.02.2008 11:00 4624,10 1
13.02.2008 09:20 4910,43 1
19.03.2008 08:50 5749,93 1
31.03.2008 14:15 6043,35 1
11.04.2008 14:15 6307,35 1
23.04.2008 13:40 6594,77 1
06.05.2008 15:00 6908,10 1
07.05.2008 10:50 6927,93 1
20.05.2008 11:35 7240,68 1
17.06.2008 15:00 7916,10 1
02.07.2008 11:11 8272,28 1
23.07.2008 08:00 -5,80E+07 1
30.07.2008 15:45 -5,80E+07 1
13.08.2008 15:46 -5,80E+07 1
28.08.2008 09:40 -5,80E+07 1
10.09.2008 13:45 -5,80E+07 1
24.09.2008 11:25 -5,80E+07 1
08.10.2008 11:00 -5,79E+07 1
08.12.2008 16:08 -5,79E+07 1

From Date = 23.7.2008 the result gets worse
In order to check what happen I print out the parameter values (see code line after // check parameter

Std[ 31] = 7240,68333 == 6927,93333 + 312,75
Std[ 32] = 7916,1 == 7240,68333 + 675,41667
Std[ 33] = 8272,28333 == 7916,1 + 356,18333
Std[ 34] = -5,79517E7 == 8272,28333 + -5,79599E7
Std[ 35] = -5,79515E7 == -5,79517E7 + 175,75
Std[ 36] = -5,79511E7 == -5,79515E7 + 336,01667
Std[ 37] = -5,79508E7 == -5,79511E7 + 353,9
Std[ 38] = -5,79505E7 == -5,79508E7 + 316,08333
Std[ 39] = -5,79501E7 == -5,79505E7 + 333,66667
Std[ 40] = -5,79498E7 == -5,79501E7 + 335,58333
Std[ 41] = -5,79483E7 == -5,79498E7 + 1469,13333

The problem is:
why works the code up to Std[33] and fails for the next steps?

Any hint is appreciated

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
carsten Posted - 12/16/2008 : 04:34:01 AM
Meanwhile I could resolve the problem:

Due to a copy (Excel) paste (Origin) process part of the data was 'infected'. When copied into a new Excel sheet and from this wks a second copy action was made then subsequent pasting the data into an Origin wks the code works as expected.


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