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 Calculations on dates and times

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lucky38 Posted - 01/05/2009 : 10:02:22 AM
Origin Ver. 7.5
Operating System: Win XP pro

Hello all,

I am looking for a way to calculate differences between dates and times.

More in details :

I have a column with datas under this format : dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
These datas have been manually collected and the elapsed time between two acquisitions varies drastically.

I would like to calculate the time difference between 2 concecutive rows and give the result in either hh:mm or decimal format.

Examples :
01/01/2009 00:00 could be the starting time for this example
01/01/2009 02:15 gives 02:15 or 2.25
01/01/2009 06:00 gives 03:45 or 3.75
02/01/2009 15:30 gives 35:30 or 35.50
03/01/2009 11:10 gives 23:40 or 23.67
05/01/2009 08:40 gives 45:30 or 45.50

Does anybody have an idea of how to perform this ?
Thanks for your help.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lucky38 Posted - 01/06/2009 : 07:21:10 AM

I wonder why I didn't think of doing this by myself ...

It works as weel if you leave "auto" for rows settings and I found it is even best to do col(B)=col(A)[i]-col(A)[i-1] because like that the result of the calculation i is facing the data i and not data i-1.

More in details and taking the same examples :

With the formula you recommended : col(B)=col(A)[i+1]-col(A)[i] one obtains :
01/01/2009 00:00 => 02:15
01/01/2009 02:15 => 03:45
01/01/2009 06:00

And with this formula col(B)=col(A)[i]-col(A)[i-1] one obtains :
01/01/2009 00:00
01/01/2009 02:15 => 02:15
01/01/2009 06:00 => 03:45

It is just a question of cosmetics changes

Anyway, thank you very much Deanna for your help

Deanna Posted - 01/05/2009 : 10:49:18 PM
Hi Luc,

Please try the following:
1. Create a column to the right of the date column.
2. Double-click on the title of this column to open the Worksheet Column Formatdialog. In the dialog, set Format to Time and Display to HH:mm. Click OK.
3. Right-click on the title of this column and then select Set Column Values from the shrot-cut menu.
4. Suppose the source column is column A and it has 4 rows. In the dialog, enter the formula and set the "from row" and "to" as follows:

Note that "to" is set to "3", because the source column has 4 rows and 4-1=3.
After clicking OK, you can see the results.

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