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 user defined function for fitting of data

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
luke419 Posted - 01/13/2009 : 07:42:00 AM
Origin Ver.: 8.0
Operating System: Windows XP

I'd like to fit parabolic like data which pass the origin
point with not built-in parabolic function (y = A + B*x + C*x^2) but user defined function of y = A * x^2.

Hence, I made user-defined function of y = A * x^2.
The detail of it is as follows.

Parameter Settings

InitialValues = --(V)
Meanings = ?
LowerBounds = --(X, OFF)
UpperBounds = --(X, OFF)
NamingMethod = User-Defined
NumberOfSignificantDigits =

Enable Auto initialization: unchecked
Use OriginC: unchecked

However, it fails to give a normal fitting result.
the result is as follows.

Model quadratic (User)
Equation y = A * x^2
Reduced Chi-Sqr 0
Adj. R-Square 0
Value Standard Error
?$OP:F=1 A -- --

What's wrong with it?
What should I do for it?

With best regards,
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
greg Posted - 01/15/2009 : 11:12:04 AM
If your Function definition is indeed
y = A * x^2
and your Independent Variable is x (case important if using OriginC)
and your Dependent Variable is y (case important if using OriginC)
and Parameter Name is A (case important if using OriginC)
and you have some form of Parameter Initialization, like
then your function should work. If it doesn't, send the FDF file to and they will tell you what's wrong.
luke419 Posted - 01/14/2009 : 06:03:13 AM
Thanks a lot for the answer.
In spite of a good working of it, I'd like to know how I can utilize user-defined function, too.
Is it not so easy?
How can I use it in detail?

Best wishes,
scunque Posted - 01/13/2009 : 11:47:04 AM
Why not use Allometric1 in the Power category? You can set the b parameter to fixed value of 2 then the equation becomes

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