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 Nonlinear Curve Fitting

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Menino11 Posted - 01/15/2009 : 11:38:49 AM
Origin Ver.8 and SR4:
Operating System: XP


I'm using SR4 after using SR0, and the fitting tool for nonlinear curves seems to work differently from before.
If I use the dialog box for Nonlinear Curve Fit and select the Spectroscopy category (and even using the Origin Basic Functions) for analyzing my spectrum, I get two different fittings to the same graph (one in SR0 and another in SR4), with apparently the same initial parameters. Same data intervals and so on.
The problem, is that the data that I get with SR0 was more accurate that with SR4.
Something happen in the SR4 release that changed the fitting process,in a way that I need to make some changes before I analyze the graph?

If anyone could help me understand why this happen, and how to resolve it..

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Deanna Posted - 01/18/2009 : 8:22:59 PM
Then please upload to our FTP.

please kindly follow the instructions in the following web page to do so:

OriginLab Technical Services
Menino11 Posted - 01/16/2009 : 07:11:47 AM
I tried, but the General Contact Form only allows files to 200KB..
The File with that data has 812KB.....

Deanna Posted - 01/15/2009 : 10:42:37 PM

We need more information to find out what happens. Please send us the opj with the source data and fit report. Also, please tell us the initial values of the parameters. With the information, we can do more testings to see what the problem is.

OriginLab Technical Services

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