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 Problem on 'Convert to Matrix'

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
beryl236 Posted - 01/27/2009 : 1:35:35 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Orogon Pro 8 SR4 v.8.0951 (B591)
Operating System:Window VISTA

I need to plot the contour graph from my 3D data without interpolation or extrapolation. I know that I have to choose the regular gridding method when the x, y data are evenly spaced or the sparse method when they are not. But when I did, it seemed like the original data were seriously distorted.

Below is the original that I ploted using the other software.

I thought that the original 3D data are evenly spaced, so I choosed the regular gridding method to convert the dataset to matrix and plot it. It looked like below,

It seems like that it erased some data for some reason.

So I tried with sparse method and below is the result,

Everything is gone.

So, please somebody let me know how I fix it?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
easwar Posted - 01/27/2009 : 1:45:29 PM

Please send your XYZ data or your project to tech support so they can look at what is going on with your particular data.

I also wanted to comment that in version 8, you can select your Z column of your XYZ data and directly select Plot->Contour->XYZ Contour. This performs triangulation on the raw data and directly plots a contour plot without creating a matrix. This method may be useful if you do not want the matrix and just want to see a contour plot. If you double-click on the plot, the Plot Details dialog has a Contour Info tab on the right side that has options for smoothing etc.


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