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 how to add special symbol in text

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guoweiming Posted - 06/02/2009 : 7:08:35 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.5
Operating System:winxp

I faced difficulty when I try to add a pentacle in text
I know alt+ASCII code will work but how can I find the code for this (or others) symbol?
Thank u!!!

completely new user of Origin. Any help will be appreciated.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Echo_Chu Posted - 07/17/2017 : 04:58:53 AM
I am afraid that Origin does not have command for double dot.

In Origin 7.5, you can only use Symbol map to do the work.

However, in our latest Origin version, Origin 2017 , there are better ways to insert math symbol in Origin.

If you are interested, you can download a free demo here:
rm_killer Posted - 07/17/2017 : 03:09:04 AM
i have another question about this topic.
if i want to use the acceleration of something, like alpha double "Dot", what should i do??
Please help me. Thanks.
Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/12/2012 : 10:09:54 AM
Hi mshalini,

Regarding inserting gamma-dot in an axis title, you can enter the following escape-sequenced
text in the Title field in the Title&Format tab in the Axis dialog box ("Format: Axis Titles" menu).
(Or, on any text label, right-click, and choose "Properties" flyout):

There are also other ornamental marks such as above bar(\ab) and tilde(\at).
Search the keyword "escape sequence" in the Origin help. These may not work
in some older versions.

--Hideo Fujii
mshalini Posted - 06/11/2012 : 03:56:52 AM
I am new to Origin. I want to insert gamma-got in my graph axis label. How do I do it? I know how to insert gamma, but how do I insert gamma-dot. I tried copying it from MS-word but Origin displays ?? in its place. Please help.
greg Posted - 06/10/2009 : 3:03:26 PM
When editing a text object, press Ctrl+M to open the Symbol Map where you can choose your font, choose your character and read the Alt code for that character.

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