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 Axis Labels and Text overbars

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jwrudn Posted - 07/01/2009 : 1:53:46 PM
Origin Ver. 7.5 and Service Release SR6:
Operating System: Windows XP

1. Is there a way to put dots, overbars, hats (carats) above text symbols?

2. How do you make the axis title visible again after unchecking visible in LABEL CONTROL? Using Format/Axis Titles/Text Control doesnt seem to do it.
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jwrudn Posted - 09/01/2009 : 10:43:56 AM
Ok, thanks. I have been it by positioning a carat above the letter and grouping them, as described in one of the above comments, but I was hoping for an easier way.
greg Posted - 08/31/2009 : 12:59:12 PM
There is no escape sequence for 'carat above' so you will need to find a font that has that character and insert it using Laurie's description. Many fonts have A, E, I, O and U with carat for example.
jwrudn Posted - 07/02/2009 : 4:51:43 PM
Thanks. Using the escape sequences worked fine for dots and bars above letters. Is there a sequence to add a carat (hat) above a letter in the same way?

rdremov Posted - 07/02/2009 : 12:12:19 PM
We have built-in support for above bars and dots using escapes sequences. If you open Text Object Properties dialog and type this:
Bar above \ab(text).
Dot above \ad(text).
You should be able to see bar and dot above "text" words.
Please, let us know more details how you intend to use "hats" and
if symbol dialog will serve you needs.
Laurie Posted - 07/02/2009 : 11:00:31 AM
1. Double-click on the text label to enter label in-place editing mode. Position your mouse where you want to insert the symbols, and click again. The I-beam (blinking insertion cursor) appears at the position in the text. Right-click, and choose the Symbol Map shortcut menu. In the Symbol Map dialog, select the Font, and double-click the character(s) you want inserted.

2. Select Edit:Button Edit Mode. Choose this menu again after making label visible, to toggle out of this edit mode.

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