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 Importing Selected Columns

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
a_user Posted - 08/14/1998 : 7:59:00 PM
I would like to be able to perform a partial import (ie import a range of columns from a large ASCII file) using a Labtalk script. I can do it by going through the ASCII import dialog boxes but I would like to automate the import process. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how this can be done. TIA
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
alex2021 Posted - 01/29/2010 : 12:48:20 PM
Origin pro 8.

I have data with 24 columns but I only want to import some of the columns, i.e 2,4,6,10. Does anyone know how to create an import theme that can import those selected columns and delete the rest of them. Thanks
a_user Posted - 08/14/1998 : 12:02:00 PM
... importing

Here is a simple solution. It is not exactly what you actually want and not elegant at all, but it should work without much effort

... you import the whole file:
getfile *.dat; open -w %A; <-- there is a sample button which comes with Origin which does this

... then you simply delete the columns you don't need:
delete Data1_A;delete DATA1_C or delete %E_colname

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