T O P I C R E V I E W |
Hegmafor |
Posted - 01/29/2010 : 2:51:55 PM Hello,
I have currently two problems with Origin8: 1) How can I achieve that the workbook name automatically becomes the graph windows name when I plot the data? 2) I have some huge Origin file and want to export only one table from each project and start an new one with all the tables. I tried to save all the workbooks and import them. All the workbooks include references to other tables and so they are all just empty. How can I export them as "real value" workbooks? I dont want to append all the projects, the file would be way too big.
Thank you for your help Mike
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Hegmafor |
Posted - 01/30/2010 : 7:07:07 PM Thank you for the fast reply |
greg |
Posted - 01/29/2010 : 5:58:04 PM First question: There is no way to setup Origin to behave like this without altering our built-in routines or writing your own plot routines. Note that Origin does not allow two windows with the same Short Name so your only option would be to change the graph Long Name and set that as the preferred display. Here is an example that plots a worksheet as a Scatter graph with its Long Name the same as the Long Name of the workbook:
string str$ = page.label$; // Get the Workbook Long Name+Comments str$ = str.GetToken(1,CRLF)$; // Remove the Commments plotxy iy:=(1,2:end) plot:=201; // Plot the whole worksheet page.label$ = str$; // Set the graph Long Name the same page.title=1; // Show just the Long Name
Second question: Since you seem to be working with linked references, your only option would be to use the expASC X-Function ( File : Export : ASCII ) to save the actual data as text and then import that text file into a new worksheet. |