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 Negative values in column plots

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TONI_B Posted - 02/07/2010 : 02:16:06 AM
Origin Ver. 6 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): [rather old version ]
Operating System: Win-XP

IŽd like to get such kind of diagrams:

But Origin6 delivers this one:

How can I get such diagrams like Excel does it?

For curiosity: Origin3.78 works well in this respect...

[Sorry for my bad english ]
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TONI_B Posted - 02/09/2010 : 08:47:05 AM
Thank you for your hint! But why doesn`t it work with data sets from two worksheets in Origin6? In the extrem old version 3.78 it works with two worksheets...

That means I have to merge my data sets into one worksheet.

larry_lan Posted - 02/09/2010 : 12:46:09 AM
You should put all the data in one worksheet, such as:

Height-light the columns and plot, you are supposed to get:

TONI_B Posted - 02/09/2010 : 12:29:22 AM
I have used "Special Bar/Column: Stack Column. The data is in two worksheets with x-values an y-values -can that be the reason?
larry_lan Posted - 02/08/2010 : 8:40:39 PM
How you organize your data? If you plot from Plot: Special Bar/Column: Stack Column, it should looks like the first graph you want.


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