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 color mapping in XYZ scatter plot

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hustedt Posted - 02/15/2010 : 12:18:49 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:Windows XP

I am trying to use color mapping with an XYZ scatter plot. I want to plot multiple sets of X,Y,Z data on the same layer with the same color map. Is it possible to do this without "manually" editing the color map for each set of data?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hustedt Posted - 02/23/2010 : 3:34:07 PM
I have gotten this to work and it does do what I need as far as I can tell. Thank you.

greg Posted - 02/17/2010 : 09:13:14 AM
You can do this with some LabTalk script by using an option of the layer command (see Programming : LabTalk Help).

If the datasets exist in the same layer, then you use something like:

// ColorMap Save to file from the first dataplot colormap
layer -cm s 1;
// ColorMap Load from file to the second dataplot colormap
layer -cm l 2;

If the target dataplot is in another layer or another graph you must first make its layer active for the load.
larry_lan Posted - 02/15/2010 : 10:21:27 PM
How about the Direct RGB or Color Mapping option in Plot Details dialog?


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