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 Contour plot range

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nle0705 Posted - 02/16/2010 : 7:38:25 PM
Origin 7.0 SR0
windows xp:

I'm Having the issue that when I change the axes on a contour plot the data overflows the bounds of the graph. Perhaps a little more explanation...

I have made a contour plot of a matrix and set the axes the same as the matrix dimensions. This plot fills the entire plot window as expected. I then want to reduce one of the plot dimensions to 'zoom' in on my data. The plot changes dimensions but the extra data from the matrix overflows the bounds of the plot. If I choose 'display caching->raster' this gets fid of the extra data, but when printed (paper or PDF or JPG) the overflow returns. I don't want to do it but the only solution I can think of is deleting the data in the matrix.
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nle0705 Posted - 02/16/2010 : 8:03:42 PM
Awesome, I'm really glad thier is a simple solution...I could have spent the rest of my PhD studies deleting data from the matrix
easwar Posted - 02/16/2010 : 7:48:17 PM

Double-click on the graph to open Plot Details dialog. On the left panel click on Layer and then on the right side select Display tab. The "Clip Data to Frame" check box is unchecked in your case I think, so if that is the case check it and then close the dialog and that should fix it. Then you can set display caching back to None.


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