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 Missing data when copying graphs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
peter.cook Posted - 02/24/2010 : 06:22:45 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.5 SR7
Operating System: Windows Vista


When I copy a graph to eg word document, some of the variables in text boxes are copied over as missing values. This occurs if the text box contains eg 'IC50 = $(value)' where the copied graph displays 'IC50 = --'

I'm sure this hasn't aways been the case but..

Any help appreciated!


6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
easwar Posted - 03/01/2010 : 10:49:04 AM
Hi Pete,

When creating the text label, you can format it using LabTalk numeric formatting options, such as:

text.text$="IC50 = $(value, .4)"; // 4 decimal places
text.text$="IC50 = $(value, *3)"; // 3 significant digits
text.text$="IC50 = $(value, E%4.2f)"; // scientific notation

peter.cook Posted - 03/01/2010 : 05:11:03 AM
Hi Easwar,

Thanks for reply. If I adopt the last solution then the user has no control over the format of the output.

Back to an original question - why do the labels sometimes work as described. You seem to imply that they would never be expected to work.


easwar Posted - 02/24/2010 : 2:12:52 PM
Hi Pete,

Is there a reason you want to keep the label with the linked var? When double-clicking on the object in Word (to say edit the graph), it is going to open a new instance where the variable may not even be defined/relevant anyway?

If there is no need for linking, why not build the text label as a static text, such as using script command to set the text of the label object:
text1.text$="IC50 = $(value)";
This would then make it a static string so there would be no problem in display in the OLE object?

peter.cook Posted - 02/24/2010 : 12:03:26 PM
Hi Easwar,

Thanks for quick reply. I am confused as to why it sometimes works then at it has in the past - albeit winows 2000.

if I copy (Edit - Copy Page) the page to Excel it always retains the labtalk variables. if I then copy the excel embedded graph the labtalk variables are blank.

if I amend add some of the variables to the page as you suggest and repeat the process - all variables are clear in excel and then when copied into word only those added to the page are visible.

Any thoughts?

I can of course amend all the applications as above if I need to.

Best wishes,


easwar Posted - 02/24/2010 : 11:03:27 AM
Hi Pete,

I am assuming "value" is some LabTalk variable.

For this to work with OLE-pasting into word, here is a workaround:

Save the variable into the graph page itself. So for example you can create your own section and variable value entries in the graph page by keeping the graph page active and typing in script window:;;

Then you can set up the label in the graph with the text:
My IC50 = $(
and then check the "Link to variables" check box.

Then it will display fine in Origin as well as in OLE-paste in Word.

In other words, if the variable you want is some global var in LT there does not appear to be a way to include that in the OLE paste other than saving it in the graph page first.


P.S. The above suggests saving the var into and use it from the But that means duplication of the var, so maybe the simpler solution is that you make the text in the graph static, and not link to the variable. So if you are programmatically adding the text maybe just make the text static. We will look into better support for this issue in future version.
peter.cook Posted - 02/24/2010 : 06:42:02 AM

Can't seem to edit my own message.
Update is that if I am working offline - it works fine. Can connection to slow network be an issue?



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