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 Column short names change while ASCII import

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
derty13 Posted - 02/27/2010 : 08:15:17 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8 SR6
Operating System: WinXp Sp3

I' m trying to import ASCII file:

E Sfus 3n 4n
56 32.6507 1 22

Instead of the expected short names "E(X) Sfus(Y) 3n(Y) 4n(Y)" I get E(X) Sfus(Y) An(Y) D(Y). The question is why 3n and 4n change and how to fix it...
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Laurie Posted - 03/01/2010 : 10:53:18 AM
You want to use the Plot Setup dialog. Right-click on the layer icon in the graph, and choose Plot Setup from the context menu.

The following movie will show you how useful the Plot Setup dialog can be:

OriginLab Technical Support
derty13 Posted - 03/01/2010 : 05:57:04 AM
The problem is that I want to plot these columns on a graph through Layer Contents where only Short Names are displayed. These names really MEAN something to me, and there are many columns. It is very annoying to always check what Short Name I need to plot. So then the question becomes if there is any way to see Long Names instead of Short Names while adding Columns to the graph?
easwar Posted - 02/28/2010 : 11:16:47 AM

Column short names have restrictions such as they cannot begin with a number. You can change your import settings so that the desired strings get assigned to column long name instead of short name.


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