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 display fill pattern in legend

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kpongani Posted - 03/02/2010 : 7:39:54 PM
Origin Ver. 8.0 and Service Release SR 6
Operating System: Vista Business

Is there anyway to display the fill pattern in the legend?

I can see how to show a point's shape, color, etc., but I'm using different fill patterns to distinguish the various components in a graph. I can't get the legend to display this information.

What am I missing?

Many thanks.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry_lan Posted - 03/03/2010 : 10:16:42 PM

This is a known bug. We are planning to fix it in the next version (#7707, #5424). Now, maybe you can add an object and change the object style like the pattern you set in Fill Area plot? I know it's not a real legend, sorry for the inconvenience.

OriginLab Technical Servcies
kpongani Posted - 03/03/2010 : 1:32:48 PM
Thanks for your reply. I'm sorry, but I don't think that I made myself very clear. I have a graph with several fill area plots (or Hi-Low-Close). I need to show the pattern for each of these discrete area plots in the legend.
Laurie Posted - 03/03/2010 : 10:53:40 AM
If you wish to display the fill pattern for the second and fourth datapoints, modify the legend text as follows:

\l(1,2) %(1)
\l(1,4) %(1)

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