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 create a cluster columns chart with stacked column

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hnxja1 Posted - 04/14/2010 : 9:09:14 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:

I want to create a combined cluster and stacked column,but the origin 7.5 only provides the template of cluster or the stacked column.How to draw it?
xie jian
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
iphone90 Posted - 01/05/2015 : 06:15:00 AM
@AmandaLu helped me, thanks ! :))
Echo_Chu Posted - 01/05/2015 : 03:04:33 AM
Hi, Abhishek

I am afraid that 100% stacked column does not support error bar yet. But I think you can calculate the percent from you data and create a stacked column with error bar, which will look like a 100% stacked column with error bar.

However, could you let me know how you would like to handle the data for error bar if we calculate percent from the data to plot the graph.

abhiy7 Posted - 01/04/2015 : 06:32:58 AM
Can I put error bars in 100% stacked column? and/or in grouped colum? if yes, please explain the procedure.

SGT Posted - 06/13/2014 : 11:25:09 AM
Thank you Kathy. I received your email.
Kathy_Wang Posted - 06/13/2014 : 06:34:13 AM
Originally posted by SGT

I am unable to add any error bar in the plots. All the errors bar moved away from the graph. Can you help ? Thank you.


Not sure if you are the same user who emailed us about this today, if so I have already replied the email.

If not, probably you are also talking about the same bug with Origin, that when you have stacked columns and enabled the “Column/Bar Gap/Offset Across Layers” option in the “Miscellaneous” tab of Plot Details- Page Properties dialog, the error bars for these bars will be shifted incorrectly. This bug has been submitted to our bug-tracking database with reference ID ORG-11361.

If this still doesn't help, can you then describe your problem in more details, especially by sending us your graph? To send us files, follow the instructions in the Send Files to Tech Support link in the top right corner of the forum main page.

SGT Posted - 06/12/2014 : 11:45:36 PM
I am unable to add any error bar in the plots. All the errors bar moved away from the graph. Can you help ? Thank you.
stafenie Posted - 02/15/2012 : 10:50:42 PM
I'm using Origin 6.5. After adding the second layer and right click at the Layer 2 ion, I do not see plot setup in the fly-out menu.

Please help.

thank yo
hnxja1 Posted - 04/21/2010 : 01:33:10 AM
AmandaLu Posted - 04/20/2010 : 02:51:03 AM
We have no cluster column template right now. In order to plot a combined cluster and stacked column, you need to plot a two-layer Stack Column graph. That is:

1. Import your source data into two workbooks, Data1 and Data2 for example. Each workbook contains one group of columns.

2. Highlight Data1, select Plot: Special Bar/Column: Stack Column from the main menu. It will create a Stack Column graph.

3. Double click on Column plot to open Plot Details dialog box. In the Spacing tab, specify Gap Between Bars (in %) to be 70 or so. This will increase the gap size and decrease the column width.

4. Right click in the blank of this graph, select New Layer(Axes): (Normal):Bottom X + Left Y from the fly-out menu. An empty new layer, Layer2 will be added to the graph.

5. Right click on the Layer2 icon (in the top-left corner of the graph) and select Plot Setup... from the fly-out menu. This will open the Plot Setup dialog.

6. Add data of Data2 to this layer. Select Stacked Column/Bar in the Plot Type box. Select Data2 in the top panel. Assign X and Y data in the middle panel and click Add button to add them to the bottom panel. Click OK to add them to the graph.

7. Double click on the graph to open Plot Details dialog again. When Layer2 is active on the left panel, select Link Axes Scales tab on the right panel. Select Layer1 from the Link to drop-down list. And in both X Axis Link and Y Axis Link boxes, select Straight (1 to 1). Click Apply button to see the change.

8. Select one of the Data2 plots on the left panel and select Spacing tab on the right panel. Specify the Gap Between Bars (in %) the same as Column plot in Layer1. Click OK to close the dialog.

9. Click in the blank of Layer2. A rectangle with eight handles appears. Then you can move Layer2 slightly so that columns of these two groups stand side by side.

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