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 create a surface of a sphere

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
belsebub01 Posted - 04/20/2010 : 2:58:12 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 8 SR4
Operating System: Win 7

I have a project to create a surface of a sphere with gridlines. For this I need to create a matrix, hope I'm right.

I want to use the function for a shere: x²+y²+z²=r² , but I don't find a solution to convert this function into a matrix. Can anybody help???

Thanks a lot!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
greg Posted - 04/22/2010 : 1:56:57 PM
Before everyone wears a hole in their head from all that scratching, I'd like to point out two things:

In 8.0 we did not support hiding of missing values, so your version will display a plane at z = 0.

As of Origin 8.1, we do not yet fully support multiple matrices in a surface plot. If you create the graph, you will find that display order or certain rotation angles will not result in a correct display.
Sam Fang Posted - 04/21/2010 : 11:07:06 PM
Assume that R=10. Create two matrix objects in the MSheet, select Matrix: Set Dimensions from Origin menu. Set X from -10 to 10. Y from -10 to 10. Type the following script in the command window.

range mz = [MBook1]MSheet1!1;
range mz2 = [MBook1]MSheet1!2;
dxx = (mz.x2 - mz.x1)/(mz.ncols - 1);
dyy = (mz.y2 - mz.y1)/(mz.nrows - 1);
for( ii = 1; ii <= mz.nrows; ii++)
  for( jj = 1; jj <= mz.ncols; jj++)
    xa  =  mz.x1 + dxx*( jj - 1);
    ya = mz.y1 +dyy*( ii - 1);
    if( xa^2 + ya^2 <= 10^2 )
      mz[ii, jj] = sqrt(10^2 - xa^2 - ya^2);
      mz2[ii, jj] = -sqrt(10^2 - xa^2 - ya^2);
    //Refine the border of XY domain
    else if( xa^2 + ya^2 <= ( 10 + sqrt(dxx^2 + dyy^2) )^2)
      mz[ii, jj] = 0;
      mz2[ii, jj] = 0;
      mz[ii, jj] = 1/0;
      mz2[ii, jj] = 1/0;

Two matrix objects correspond to the top and bottom sphere. Note that missing values will be set beyond the XY domain of the sphere.

The following graph is created using Origin with two matrix objects of 101 columns and 101 rows.

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