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gmanesh Posted - 05/07/2010 : 10:41:46 PM
Hi all,
I am trying to make a waterfall plot (Origin8) of a series of data where I have 2 peaks for each data. I wish to give 2 individual colors for the peaks in the waterfall plot, say green for the first peak and red for the second, and rest of the data in each line looks black. So in the waterfall plot the first peak will look like green and the second red and rest of the portion like black. Is there any way to represent like that?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry_lan Posted - 05/11/2010 : 05:55:27 AM
Oh, this issue has been fixed in Origin 8.1. My workaround only works in scatter if you using 8.0. Sorry for the inconvenience.

gmanesh Posted - 05/11/2010 : 01:40:37 AM
Hi Larry,

Thanks for the suggestions. I have only 2 peaks in my data set.

I tried to follow your procedure, first I plotted the waterfall, the colors of each line was made identical (black) then selected 2 regions in the worksheet and masked. In the waterfall plot if the data representation is 'line' then the masking does not work. If I make each data into symbols (same color) then the masked points give same colors and rest of the symbols black. In fact I wish to give 2 masked regions two different colors and I would like to have a *line* representation rather than symbols. Is there any solutions to these 2 issues?

Thanks and regards,
larry_lan Posted - 05/10/2010 : 9:50:37 PM
Hi Manesh:

Sorry for my misunderstanding. As Easwar mentioned, we don't support this feature in current version. A workaround is you can use Mask Data to partly change the curve color. After plotting the waterfall, set the curves to one single color. And then Mask the data range for the first peak in worksheet. You can then change the masked data color using Mask toolbar.

Basically, this is a "fake" two color waterfall, and the drawback is obviously, it doesn't work when you have three peaks.

Hope this helps.

OriginLab Technical Services
gmanesh Posted - 05/10/2010 : 9:48:54 PM
Hi Eswar,

Thanks for the info. So it is not possible to custom color each line in the waterfall plot in the latest version. You are talking about automatic coloring of the data according to the height variations. Including the manual coloring in addition to the automatic coloring would be helpful for many users.

Thanks much,

easwar Posted - 05/10/2010 : 11:40:12 AM
Hi Manesh,

In a future version we are considering adding support to color the lines based on the Y values, so within each line the color would vary depending on height. Would this then address what you want? So if your first peak is say smaller/larger than 2nd peak in all lines, the colors across the lines for the individual peaks would be different.

gmanesh Posted - 05/10/2010 : 10:21:04 AM
Hi Larry,
there is a misunderstanding here. I want to give different colors to the same line! For each line in the waterfall plot, I have 2 peaks, for which I want to give 2 independent colors. I know that I can give different colors to different lines by selecting the Edit Mode as Independent..

Do you still have any suggestion?

thanks and regards,
larry_lan Posted - 05/10/2010 : 06:05:46 AM
In the Plot Details dialog (double click the graph), Group tab, set the Edit Mode as Independent. Then you can set the line color independently.


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