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 different background colors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gmanesh Posted - 05/23/2010 : 3:18:50 PM
Origin Ver.8.0
Operating System:vista

Hi all,
I wish to give 3 different background colors to 3 different sections of my graph layer. Is there any possibility to do it in Origin 8.0?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gmanesh Posted - 05/25/2010 : 11:27:06 PM
Hi Larry,
thanks much, I have't noticed the option to send the rectangle tool back to the data. Thanks again,
larry_lan Posted - 05/25/2010 : 09:18:43 AM
Hi Manesh:

We don't support multiple background colors for a signal layer. So I think you can just make some "fake background" as a workaround.

1>. Draw rectangle objects manually.

Supposed your data is:

You can then draw Rectangle Object and set different fill color. Then push the objects back to data points.

The drawback is, you cannot control the section place exactly.

2>. Draw lines to "create" such sections.

For example, suppose you will plot your source in the range that X axis from 0.75 to 3.25, Y axis from 0.75 to 3.75. Make up some data as below:

Then plot the three lines, and Fill Color Under Curve in Plot Details dialog

Using this method, you may need to go to Plot Setup dialog to re-order the data plots to bring the original data in front.

There are still some other workarounds. You can play with Origin and figure out more.


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