Hi Anders,
The current Origin version (Origin 8.1 SR3) does not support this feature. However, as a workaround, you can use LabTalk script to add a line with arrow to do that.
Suppose your graph is come from [book1]sheet1!col(1) & [book1]sheet1!col(2). After making a graph (line + symbol) with these two columns, activate the graph and run the following script.
range xRange = [book1]sheet1!col(1); // column 1
range yRange = [book1]sheet1!col(2); // column 2
for(ii=1; ii<[book1]sheet1!wks.maxrows; ii++)
x1 = xRange[ii]; // x coordinate of point one
y1 = yRange[ii]; // y coordinate of point one
x2 = xRange[ii+1]; // x coordinate of point two
y2 = yRange[ii+1]; // y coordinate of point two
xc = x1+(x2-x1)/2; // x coordinate of center
yc = y1+(y2-y1)/2; // y coorindate of center
draw -n line$(ii) -lm {x1, y1, xc, yc}; // draw a line
line$(ii).arrowEndShape = 3; // add an arrow
line$(ii).arrowEndWidth = 15; // set width of arrow
line$(ii).color = 2; // set color of line, red
layer -a; // rescale the layer