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 Plotting different symbols on one line

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
immasroor Posted - 06/01/2010 : 10:25:36 AM
Origin Ver. 6 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: Windows

I want to plot simple line+symbol graph with different symbols (i.e. rectangle, circle, triangle etc.) on one line. Can anybody help me in this regard. It seems straight forward but I am stuck with this.

Thanks in advance,

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sam Fang Posted - 06/02/2010 : 11:42:53 PM
I have no Origin 6. But I test it in Origin6.1.
You should make sure that multiple lines are independent. In Plot Details dialog, click Group tab, select Independent radio button from Edit Mode group.
For multiple lines, you just select the same column from Shape combo box for each line.

OriginLab Technical Services
immasroor Posted - 06/02/2010 : 07:18:13 AM
Dear Sam

Thank you for your help. But I could not solve my problem.I couldn't get last line of your suggested solution i.e I could not find any shape combo box where I can select third column.

Also one more question that I want to do it for multiple lines containing same kind of symbols i.e. might be rectangle, triangle, circle in one line and same repeated for other lines.

Sorry for bothering you.


Sam Fang Posted - 06/02/2010 : 01:41:32 AM
You should have the third column to specify symbol shape.
Double click on your graph. In the opened Plot Details dialog, select Symbol tab in the right pane. Tick Show Construction check box, and select Geometric radio box. Select the column for shape from Shape combo box.

OriginLab Technical Services

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