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 merging of colum names

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a1169767 Posted - 06/23/2010 : 04:56:07 AM
in a data sheet some of neighboring columns have the for example the same “unit”. Sometimes Origin merge the neighboring “unit”-cells to one but sometimes not. I don’t understand the reasons for that behavior. Can you explain it to me?

screen shot for example:


Origin 8G SR3
Operating System: Win XP
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
a1169767 Posted - 07/09/2010 : 04:02:13 AM
Hi penn,
that exact that what I look for.
Thank you very much.


Penn Posted - 06/29/2010 : 9:27:21 PM
Hi Carl,

Please refer to this online help. The Apply To drop-down list is used to specify the range that the format setting used to apply to. Options include Data, Long Name, Units, Comments, etc. Then you can see the Dynamic Merge drop-down list below, which is used to specify the direction to merge.

a1169767 Posted - 06/29/2010 : 07:52:01 AM
Hi larry_lan,
thanks for your answer.
The information on the page are only for the cells itself and not for the heads of the columns (longname, units, comments, …).

Some other ideas?

larry_lan Posted - 06/29/2010 : 04:00:09 AM
Maybe this page can help.

a1169767 Posted - 06/28/2010 : 09:44:23 AM
Hallo peteryou,
Thanks for your answer. I haven’t known the “Merge” button jet.
But there are still two question:
- Why does Origin merge the columns by itself sometimes?
- The manual Merging has the problem, that the manual merged command lines aren’t used in the legend of the graphics!! In opposite to that, they are used when Origin merge it by itself!

Maybe you have a solution for that.

In any case, thanks for your time.

peteryou Posted - 06/23/2010 : 06:37:14 AM
You can click the Merge Cell button in the Style toolbar to merge or unmerge neighboring cells.

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