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 compare data sets: determine intersect (Venn Diagr

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
carat64 Posted - 07/15/2010 : 03:21:09 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
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Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8.1
Operating System:Windows XP


I'd like to find the common data points (Y) between two sets of data. I extracted two data sets from a larger amount of data: data set 1:(X,Y) and data set 2: (Y,Z). Now, how could I compare these two datasets to find those data points which share a common Y between the two sets? Is it possible to do this using the "Extract Worksheet Data" dialog? (I also have another column associated with each extracted Y data that is the label for that data point and I'd like to still have that information after the comparison).
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
caracara Posted - 07/15/2010 : 5:37:44 PM
I'll try to clarify what I'm trying to do:

Data Extracted from one worksheet:
A(X) B(Y) C
1.4 13.6 a
0.9 15.4 b
2.3 16.0 c
4.0 20.0 d
3.7 18.5 e

Data Extracted from another worksheet:
M(Y) N(Z)
1.4 13.6 a
15.4 45.8 b
16.0 76.0 f
17.3 55.1 g
3.7 18.5 e

Basically, the third column of data (the label) distinguishes each data point. For two really large data sets (that were extracted from another larger data set), I'd like to find the common data points.

I think this is called the intersect of two datasets In a Venn diagram, the points I'm trying to identify would be in the region where the two circles overlap.


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