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 Error message when I open a Origin project !!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aeon Posted - 08/10/2010 : 05:18:22 AM
Origin Ver.
Operating ystem: Windows 2000

Hello all,
I have a important problem: when I want open my Origin project, Excel.exe crashes and I have many error messages Failed access. When I want save this project Origin shows this message:

Saving to ... failed due to an external Excel book saving failure. You will need to resolve that first and then try saving the Origin project again.

So I think that I perhaps move a source Excel file on my local disk but my origin project is very big and important and I don't know what is the file that changed. How I can see what the problematic file or how I can rescue all the other data from my origin file ?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aeon Posted - 08/24/2010 : 05:20:42 AM
The file is not on the network but on local HD. I opened the backup file and rescued the data in the Origin worksheet but I lost the data in excel file.
larry_lan Posted - 08/11/2010 : 11:44:02 AM
So the excel file in your Origin was saved in a network driver? I think this problem may related to your environment, and it's difficult to reproduce on my side...

Aeon Posted - 08/11/2010 : 09:12:11 AM
No-one has an idea to rescue my opj file ?
Aeon Posted - 08/10/2010 : 05:44:17 AM
I precise that when I want save the project, Origin shows the window "Associated Excel Worksheet" but the list is empty.

I update Origin to the last version and I have the same problem.

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