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 Question about convolution

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SvenP Posted - 08/11/2010 : 04:19:19 AM
Origin Ver. 7.5 and Service Release 6 (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: WinXP SP3


I have a question about the build in convolution from Origin. Why is it so often wrong?
For examble this: gaussian at centered at x=3 convoluted with lorentzian centered at x=6. The result is of course a voigt-profile dentered at x=9. But not for Origin 7.5.

What I did? I programmed discret convolution in Origin. But it is very slow.

I tried with the demoversion of Origin 8.1 and here the convolution is fine. Also now Origin provides a real x-axis, not this strange index.

But why not in Origin 7.5.

Thanks a lot.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Penn Posted - 08/23/2010 : 11:15:14 PM

You can refer to the definition of convolution and the algorithm.

And could you please show the image again? Because it seems broken and can not display. Or you can send the data and project file to us by the instruction in this page. Then we can look further into this issue. Please refer to this post in the email.

SvenP Posted - 08/17/2010 : 03:37:23 AM
O.k. I have to correct myself. Origin 8.1 is still not convolving right. The x-axis is not correct.
larry_lan Posted - 08/11/2010 : 11:47:22 AM
There may be some bug in 7.5. So, this can be a reason to upgrade to 8.1

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