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 Updating files

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
peter.cook Posted - 08/24/2010 : 11:19:12 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.5 SR7
Operating System: Vista


Is there a simple way to disable the updating of origin files on a clinet server setup. The reason is our 'security' does not allow this. So I would like to disable the autoupdating and then copy the files over separately to the client. Is this a reasonable approach?



4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
peter.cook Posted - 08/30/2010 : 11:00:02 AM
Thanks for reply Vincent. OK - no luck for me then. I'll have to find another way to deal with this. In the ideal world it really wouldn't be an issue but we have constraints on our operating system.


VincentLiu Posted - 08/30/2010 : 05:10:43 AM
Hi Peter

I am so sorry for misunderstanding what you said.

I have double-checked with my colleagues that the only way to disable automatically updating in Origin 7.5 is to reinstall Origin for stand-alone personal use. But if with Origin 8.1, it would be much easier, you just need to clear the group folder on the client computer. Then there would be no dialog generated on the client to remind you update files.

peter.cook Posted - 08/26/2010 : 03:30:06 AM

Thanks for reply. I am of course aware of how to update and that there is a later version. The question was how to prevent the updating of client files on a server client set up.


VincentLiu Posted - 08/25/2010 : 11:42:06 PM
Of course, you could first download the latest patch from

And then double click on the patch to execute it to update your Origin.

By the way, Origin 7.5 is a very older version, we will not provide any patch for it. The latest version of Origin is Origin 8.1, you could get a demo version from

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