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 Creating a double X-axis

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cguttman Posted - 08/26/2010 : 04:11:02 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 8
Operating System: WinXP

Hi all,
I am trying to plot a chromatogram of absorbance in Y axis and the volume in the X-axis. I also want to labels to a range of X values. For instance, if my X axis goes from 0->25ml, I want to add "Fraction 1" to a range of 0->2ml, fraction 2 to 2ml->4ml etc.

The problem is that I can't find a way to add multiple X values or set a range for a label.
Appreciate your help,
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
applenano Posted - 08/27/2010 : 05:33:53 AM
Hi Chen,

Thank you for contacting us. The first step: double click on the X axes to open the X Axis dialog, and then choose scale, setting From 0 To 25, the increment is set to 2, click OK button. The second step: Add a new column in your worksheet. For example, you want to add ˇ°Fraction 1ˇ± to ˇ±Fraction 10ˇ± to your graph, please input ˇ±Fraction 1ˇ± ˇ±Fraction 2ˇ±ˇ­ˇ±Fraction 10ˇ± in the new column from Row 1 to Row 10. The third step: active the graph page, choose Graph>>New Layer>>Bottom-X Left-Y then delete the new Y axes, and repeat the first step on the new X axes. Click Tick Labels, set Type to Tick-indexed datas, choose the new column as the Dataset, click OK button. The last step: Double click on the graph to open the Plot Details, choose Link Axes Scales, set Link to Layer1, choose Custom as X Axis Link, X1=X1-1, X2=X2-1. At last double click on the new x axes, choose Title&Format, uncheck the Show Axis&Ticks.

Best regards
Yours sincerely
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