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 Help with contouring - 2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dfer666 Posted - 08/28/2010 : 9:30:56 PM
Hi there again..I'm posting following on from the Help with contouring post.

I was going through the tutorial video's and came across one video where they say you can convert a worksheet to a matrix using a gridding parameter even when the x & y values are not at equal intervals. For some reason I can't find this video. If anyone know where the link is it can you please reply with the link as it will be thoroughly useful to my work.

Also someone suggested that I create a layer and link it to the X axis and then uncheck the data components attached to that worksheet and use only the absolute values. If anyone knows more about layering and associated functions can they please share this info.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MariaN73 Posted - 09/02/2010 : 12:44:51 PM
I have the same question. Im so glad that somebody already submitted the answer. Thank you so much!

" Nobody's understand you as much as your "
larry_lan Posted - 08/30/2010 : 05:47:47 AM
Maybe these movies: Contour Plots and Color Mapping, Converting a Worksheet to Matrix Direct?

Or, this tutorial may helps.


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