T O P I C R E V I E W |
luke419 |
Posted - 09/05/2010 : 12:03:11 PM 1. I'd like to build a new function for fitting process as follows.
y = A*exp((-(t/Tau)^beta) Here, t,y: variable, A,Tau,beta are parameters
It is possible in Origin program? Otherwise, it is impossible to include beta as parameter and should we keep beta as constant and perform fitting process varying beta instead?
2. This is the most important question. Would you let me know what I should write for items in new function tab for it (if the fitting process is possilble, for the case of parameters of A,Tau,beta, otherwise for the case of those of A,Tau)?
Especially, I'd like to know what I should insert in "parameters setting" and "parameter initialization" items respectively in detail.
Best regards,
Luke |
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
larry_lan |
Posted - 09/06/2010 : 06:05:47 AM Hi:
Maybe you can try some curve fitting tutorials first? Especially:
1. Fitting a built-in function, which shows you how to fix a parameter values during fitting.
2. Definding a new fitting function, which shows you how to create a new fitting function.
Besides, this page tells you details about parameter initialization in Origin.
Thanks Larry |