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 large origin projects = sluggish performance?

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Catkiller Posted - 03/01/2011 : 07:51:24 AM
Origin V.: SR6
Operating System: Win XP SP3


I am using Origin to archive and evaluate data. However I experience a large decrease in performance upon increasing file size. As an example, just trying to view a different folder within a 64 MB large project (50+ folders, 200+ data sheets) takes about 10 seconds. This can be accelerated by choosing "view -> view windows -> results in active folder & subfolders", but this mode of course gets confusing in root folders (and makes origin crash completely in the main root folder). Creating new folders & sheets takes multiple seconds as well, importing new ascii-files takes up to a few minutes. A fresh, i.e. small project, is behaving just fine.
Just wanted to know whether this behaviour is "normal", i.e. can just be avoided by not creating large data compendia, or if this should not happen or even better can be avoided somehow.

My system specs: 2.8 GHz Dual Core, 2 GB Ram

Thanks for your input,
-Chris from Marburg, Germany
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Hideo Fujii Posted - 07/26/2016 : 5:55:03 PM
Hi Kia,

> Is it possible to send it into one technical support to see it?

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--Hideo Fujii
mkia1988 Posted - 07/26/2016 : 12:20:32 PM

I am using Origin v.15 and I have Problem with some of my files. Suddenly everything become slowdown while I have very big file that works properly fine.

I have now idea that what exactly happened to some of my files. Is it possible to send it into one technical support to see it?

All the best
Kia, Germany
Catkiller Posted - 03/10/2011 : 12:17:51 PM
just a quick update:

Origin does not like the latest Catalyst Driver (11.2) + my IGP. Resizing complex graphs with ~10 Plots by dragging the corner edge makes the ati2dvag.dll crash into an endless loop after a really short time (0-2 seconds), combined with a nice Bluescreen. Fully reproducible. Simpler graphs can be resized without a crash.
I read several threads which deal with ati2dvag-related bluescreens in many different applications, so this "feature" is not origin-related. Changing my driver back to an earlier version solved the crashing, graphs can be resized again. The sluggish performance remains, no matter if i install the driver at all or which version I use.

I guess installing an additional graphics card could solve the problem... I will try to do that in the near future.
Catkiller Posted - 03/08/2011 : 12:49:25 PM
hey greg, thanks for your ideas.
yeah, activating this option really turned out to be problematic, never will do that again ;)

I fully re-setup my system in order to find the cause of the performance problem. After a few hours of backing up, formatting, installing, updating and reinstalling absolutely the same behaviour occured. I even installed origin as one of the first items and constantly rechecked the performance during different update-stages. But it kept the same, with those annoying 7-10 seconds to switch to a different folder. Now everything should be absolutely up to date and nothing has changed.

To answer your specific questions:
Video card driver is up to date (Catalyst 11.2)
Both systems work with integrated graphic solulitions, the "working one" is an integrated nVidia Quadro NVS 210S, mine is an ATI Radeon HD 4200. I think that both IGPs work with shared memory.
Both OS are WinXP with all updates installed and I have only one partition, so the pagefile.sys is located within the same as the windows installation.

I will post a more detailed overview of my hardware here, maybe that could help:

CPU: AMD Athlon II X2 240, 2.8 GHz
RAM: 2GB (Kingston..? "normal" latency, no errors during mem-tests)
Mainboard: MSI 785GM-E51 (latest BIOS, AMD 785G chipset)
VGA: Integrated ATI Radeon HD 4200, shared memory (tried auto, min (256MB) and max (1GB) settings, no difference)
HDD: Samsung HD322HJ (~300GB, ~200GB free space, no chkdsk-errors)

For my part, I have given up. That useless reinstallation took my last hope. I will split up my large compendia-projects into smaller projects which react fast enough for a decent workflow.

Thanks again for your time and thoughts,
greg Posted - 03/08/2011 : 12:01:13 PM
Choosing "Windows in Active Folder and Subfolders" is definitely problematic when you have many child windows. Basically, you run out of "GDI handles" (a Windows thing) and performance becomes unstable. Our beta builds for the next version do not even have that view option anymore for just this reason.

So first, make sure you use "Windows in Active Folder" only.
Second, try to keep the number of child windows (workbooks, matrix windows, graph windows) in the low hundreds as each window consumes multiple GDI handles.
Hiding windows will actually reduce demand for GDI handles so that may be useful as well.

Not sure what is happening here...
Is your Video driver up-to-date? Does your video use shared memory while other system has dedicated memory?
Are both OS XP?
Is pagefile.sys located on the same partition as Windows or different?
Catkiller Posted - 03/07/2011 : 03:17:40 AM
Well, reinstalling did not help, a few updates did not help, i cannot think of any other source.
CPU-load goes up to about ~40% equally on both cores when switching folder views, memory looks fine... any other idea would be appreciated.
Catkiller Posted - 03/04/2011 : 03:44:51 AM
Thanks Sam & Easwar for your reply.

You were correct, trying the opj on another machine with less performance than mine (dual core 2 GHz + 1 GB Ram) really resulted in much better results, equal to those you described.

So..."something" is wrong. I will try to un- and reinstall origin, since i cannot think of any other way to get rid of the problem. I will tell you how things worked out.

Thanks again,
easwar Posted - 03/03/2011 : 10:28:59 AM
Hi Chris,

In other words, we cannot reproduce the slowness with the OPJ you uploaded. The OPJ did not have any results log entries, so presumably you cleared all results before uploading? You mentioned you see no different with or without results log entries, so that may not be the issue...

Can you try your opj on another machine?

Sam Fang Posted - 03/03/2011 : 01:33:27 AM
Hi Chris,

I test your project file in Origin 8.0. It will take less than 5 seconds to view a different folder. It will take less than 5 seconds to create a new folder and less than a minute to import a new ASCII file for 400 rows in the new folder.

It has been improved in Origin8.5.0. It will take less than 5 seconds to import a new ASCII file for 400 rows in the project's new folder.

OriginLab Technical Services
Sam Fang Posted - 03/02/2011 : 05:01:08 AM
Thanks for your project file.

We will see it and find the problem.

OriginLab Technical Services
Catkiller Posted - 03/02/2011 : 03:09:55 AM
Hello Sam and thanks for your reply.

Clearing the Results log and saving the file unfortunatly did not increase the perfomance of the project.
I have uploaded the file into the "incoming" directory, its name is "ZnSeTe compenidum.opj". I hope that this will help identifying the origin of the problem.


P.S.: I have also uploaded the file "Messungen.lnk" by accident, this file can be deleted.
Sam Fang Posted - 03/02/2011 : 12:40:50 AM
It may be caused by Origin's Results Log. You can delete these Results Logs and save the project again if these logs are not important. And see whether it is faster now.

Can you send your project file to us? Then we can find the problem.

To upload a file, click Send File to Tech support button in the forum.


OriginLab Technical Services

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