T O P I C R E V I E W |
muppy |
Posted - 04/19/2011 : 07:06:15 AM Hi all, i'm using origin 8. I need to deconvolve the following data
0 0 0 0 0 0.00329 0.00287 0.0036 0.00359 0.00359 0.00263 0.0049 0.00636 0.00636 0.00296 0.00411 0.02786 0.00739 0.00473 0.00399 0.0038 0.0048 0.00308 0.0035 0.0036 0.0053 0.00325 0.00464 0.00464 0.00277 0.00332 0.00521 0.00521 0.00742 0.00379 0.01041 0.01041 0.00599 0.0033 0.00388 0.00324 0.0204 0.00219 0.00219 0.00686 0.00339 0.00339 0.00754 0.00754 0.00754 0.00754 0.00754 0.00754 0.00307 0.00307 0.05463 0.05463 0.04327 0.04327 0.02935 0.00422 0.00432 0.00456 0.00311 0.00311 0.0476 0.00326 0.0044 0.0044 0.0044 0.00918 0.01 0.00464 0.00395 0.00395 0.00395 0.00395 0.00453 0.05582 0.05582 0.0071 0.00954 0.01515 0.01515 0.01515 0.02715 0.02715 0.02715 0.02715 0.02715 0.02715 0.04575 0.04575 0.04575 0.01389 0.01944 0.02034 0.02039 0.02982 0.05415 0.08651 0.12239 0.14731 0.16495 0.21442 0.26322 0.29659 0.31063 0.36218 0.45308 0.49299 0.49906 0.55961 0.65527 0.66333 0.68094 0.69114 0.71446 0.72265 0.73581 0.73477 0.73715 0.73831 0.73906 0.73436 0.75603 0.72457 0.73615 0.74545 0.75423 0.70758 0.7446 0.74304 0.74592 0.75064 0.74137 0.73852 0.75608 0.73588 0.73799 0.74303 0.73374 0.74529 0.74076 0.73816 0.72016 0.73309 0.73325 0.74445 0.724 0.73078 0.7424 0.7379 0.73812 0.74189 0.74186 0.7415 0.73737 0.75566 0.74874 0.74574 0.74068 0.74216 0.73716 0.73674 0.7338 0.73257 0.75533 0.74153 0.70808 0.73397 0.74909 0.75487 0.75029 0.73654 0.75228 0.74884 0.73922 0.75196 0.74041 0.74373 0.75238 0.73959 0.74553 0.73685 0.71122 0.72879 0.75406 0.72605 0.68433 0.7445 0.73795 0.73974 0.75209 0.74087 0.75387 0.74407 0.74249 0.74068 0.73461 0.72583 0.74305 0.73772 0.7525 0.73908 0.71281 0.74185 0.73345 0.7104 0.7367 0.74305 0.737 0.7497 0.74054 0.7507 0.74575 0.75044 0.74589 0.75015 0.73638 0.74475 0.72924 0.73444 0.73482 0.72443 0.72546 0.75051 0.7228 0.72672 0.75152 0.75236 0.75188 0.7403 0.74574 0.74466 0.74671 0.75565 0.74043 0.75482 0.74128 0.74613 0.75027 0.74104 0.73964 0.74938 0.75168 0.74037 0.69862 0.75007 0.74945 0.75738 0.74203 0.74311 0.74924 0.75011 0.75572 0.75314 0.7515 0.75131 0.74116 0.74821 0.75546 0.73148 0.73813 0.74809 0.74997 0.70217 0.747 0.75475 0.75384 0.75478 0.75282 0.7487 0.74503 0.74758 0.74938 0.73782 0.72773 0.73497 0.71471 0.71994 0.70099 0.67966 0.70447 0.69993 0.68092 0.61675 0.67581 0.64601 0.61823 0.60156 0.60099 0.6023 0.57699 0.55977 0.52635 0.48156 0.46301 0.43165 0.39631 0.34746 0.3187 0.32507 0.27017 0.1875 0.15313 0.14471 0.09394 0.04561 0.03729 0.02789 0.02172 0.01761 0.01439 0 0 0 0 0
It's pretty clear that this is a step function convolved with a gaussian. This is my gaussian
9.6048E-5 1.07436E-4 1.20038E-4 1.33968E-4 1.49347E-4 1.66303E-4 1.84976E-4 2.05514E-4 2.28075E-4 2.52828E-4 2.79953E-4 3.09638E-4 3.42086E-4 3.77509E-4 4.1613E-4 4.58187E-4 5.03927E-4 5.53609E-4 6.07505E-4 6.65897E-4 7.29081E-4 7.97361E-4 8.71054E-4 9.50488E-4 0.00104 0.00113 0.00123 0.00133 0.00145 0.00157 0.0017 0.00183 0.00198 0.00214 0.0023 0.00248 0.00267 0.00287 0.00307 0.0033 0.00353 0.00377 0.00403 0.0043 0.00458 0.00488 0.00518 0.00551 0.00584 0.00619 0.00655 0.00693 0.00732 0.00772 0.00813 0.00856 0.009 0.00945 0.00992 0.01039 0.01088 0.01137 0.01188 0.01239 0.01291 0.01343 0.01397 0.0145 0.01504 0.01559 0.01613 0.01668 0.01722 0.01776 0.0183 0.01883 0.01936 0.01988 0.02039 0.02089 0.02138 0.02185 0.02231 0.02275 0.02318 0.02359 0.02398 0.02434 0.02469 0.02501 0.02531 0.02558 0.02583 0.02605 0.02624 0.0264 0.02653 0.02664 0.02671 0.02676 0.02678 0.02676 0.02671 0.02664 0.02653 0.0264 0.02624 0.02605 0.02583 0.02558 0.02531 0.02501 0.02469 0.02434 0.02398 0.02359 0.02318 0.02275 0.02231 0.02185 0.02138 0.02089 0.02039 0.01988 0.01936 0.01883 0.0183 0.01776 0.01722 0.01668 0.01613 0.01559 0.01504 0.0145 0.01397 0.01343 0.01291 0.01239 0.01188 0.01137 0.01088 0.01039 0.00992 0.00945 0.009 0.00856 0.00813 0.00772 0.00732 0.00693 0.00655 0.00619 0.00584 0.00551 0.00518 0.00488 0.00458 0.0043 0.00403 0.00377 0.00353 0.0033 0.00307 0.00287 0.00267 0.00248 0.0023 0.00214 0.00198 0.00183 0.0017 0.00157 0.00145 0.00133 0.00123 0.00113 0.00104 9.50488E-4 8.71054E-4 7.97361E-4 7.29081E-4 6.65897E-4 6.07505E-4 5.53609E-4 5.03927E-4 4.58187E-4 4.1613E-4 3.77509E-4 3.42086E-4 3.09638E-4 2.79953E-4 2.52828E-4 2.28075E-4 2.05514E-4 1.84976E-4 1.66303E-4 1.49347E-4 1.33968E-4 1.20038E-4 1.07436E-4 9.6048E-5
Using the deconvolution fuction i got not sense results, i.e. i obtain a wave-like function.
Any idea about this strange behaviour ?
Best regards, Andrea |
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Sam Fang |
Posted - 04/20/2011 : 06:33:41 AM Did two columns share the same X, i.e. the same start time and sampling interval?
I test convolving a step signal with a gaussian function in Origin. Then deconvolve the convoluted signal with the gaussian function in Origin. The deconvolved result agrees with the step signal.
Sam OriginLab Technical Services |